As Fashion Week is behind me, I decided to devote a whole post to of course ever so important- details I had an amazing opportunity to see a lot of AW14 trends in accessories, and spent most of the time admiring beautiful jewellery, in gold and rose gold. Why whole post to devote to accessories you might be wondering? Well quite frankly, I think accessories make the outfit. If you have the right jewellery, gorgeous bag, and perfect shoes, whatever else you put on you will be the show stopper. That was what I was going for. I summarised most of my detail shots from FW, and thought Id tell you what were the biggest stars of this past month. Shoes were mostly pointed, as generally designers were saying goodbye to round shoes, also a lot of straps, ties, embellishments, a lot of mirrored details, and chunky heels. Bags seem to be smaller than ever this season. And I dont blame the designers, as I got really bored of constantly carrying a super heavy bag. Jewellery was pretty interesting, sparkly rocks, super heavy or super dainty necklaces, A LOT of stackable rings and stackable bracelets. The trick was to pile as much jewellery on as you could to create the new version of layering. Talking about jewellery, I mostly wore Folli Follie gems during the February, as they really were easy to wear and looked so gorgeous even my best friend Zorana wanted to nick some :) As a massive thank you to you guys, one of my readers will be winning something from Folli Follie and to enter the giveaway please click HERE and follow the instructions! I picked some of my favourite photos to include in this post, and I strongly suggest you check out my favourite Elements Ring, Follie Di Fiori Box Ring set and Heart4Heart Ring Set.
S obzirom da se nedelja mode zavrsila odlucila sam da posvetim ceo post necemu veoma bitnom- modnim detaljima. Imala sam neverovatnu priliku da vidim mnostvo trendova za naredne sezone kada je rec o dodacima i provela sam mnogo vremena diveci se nakitu zlatnih i ruzicasto-zlatnih nijansi. Ceo post posvecen slikama detalja, pitate se zasto? Najiskrenije govoreci mislim da detalji cine outfit. Ukoliko imate odgovarajuci nakit, prelepu torbu i savrsene cipele, ista drugo nije bitno. To je ono na sta sam se koncentirsala ove sezone. Odlucila sam da napravim pregled svih detalja koje sam nosila za vreme FW i da vam ukratko opisem sta mi se najvise dopalo ovog prethodnog meseca.
Na pistama su uglavnom bile spicaste cizme i cipele sa mnogo kaiseva, isecaka, pertli i ukrasa, uglavnom sa debelom stiklom. Torbe se smanjuju izsezone u sezonu na cemu sam zahvalna, jer mi je dosadilo da nosim pretesku veliku torbu. Nakit koji sam videla je prilicno zanimljiv, kamencici koji se sijaju, preteske ili pre minimalisticke ogrlice, MNOGO narukvica koje mozete poredjati zajedno i prstenja. Mislim daje trik staviti sto vise nakita tako da kreirate utisak slojevitog stajlinga. Kad smo kod nakita ja sam uglavnom nosila moje Folli Follie komade u februaru, jer su jednostavni za kombinovanje i cak su se i Zoki dopali :) Kao veliko hvala svima vama jedan od mojih citatelja ce osvojiti nesto posebno od Folli Folli brenda, a da ucestvujete u takmicenju kliknite OVDE i pratite instrukcije. Izabrala sam neke od mojih omiljenih slika u ovom postu, i preporucujem vam toplo da pogledate moje omiljene Folli Follie komade Elements Ring, Follie Di Fiori Box Ring set and Heart4Heart Ring Set.