12 Feb, 2014

MBFW in New York day 6


This city is getting more beautiful every minute. I am just so seduced by New Yorks beauty and how it fits my lifestyle, that everything just seems so amazing. Even the fact that its absolutely freezing, and that sometimes I cant even feel my hands, or my cheeks, I am still managing to love the fact that everything is so convenient. I mean, yes my throat is suffering as the coldness comes with the consequences, but just before midnight I ran to the Starbucks downstairs, and grabbed a peppermint tea, and the funny part is- it was pretty busy at that time of the day (apparently Im not the only one running for midnight Starbucks cravings). Back to the fashion week, right now I feel kind of unsure if all of this is really happening. I didnt have much time (or any time in fact at all) to reflect on things, and now that I am sitting in the room, with my tea cooling down I am thinking how some things are just meant to be, and the fact that I am here more than 7000 km away from my attending fashion shows and sort of doing what I didnt even know how much I wanted to do seems surreal. But yes, enough with deep thoughts haha, I will tell you more about amazing FW14 collections I saw today.
Diesel Black Gold literally swept everyone off their feet today, and you can see why below. I now just need to make sure to get the pieces I have my eye on before they sell out! Tory Burch, J.Crew and Pamella Roland were also really good, so I couldnt miss them out from this post. Not long left and we will be back in London, as LFW begins this week. I know its cliche but seriously, time really flies right? I can leave Empire State, but the Empire State of Mind never leaves me :)

Ovaj grad je sve lepsi iz minute u minutu. Totalno me je zavela lepota Njujorka i cinjenica da potpuno odgovara mom nacinu zivota. Iako je veoma hladno i ponekad ne osetim prste ili obraze od zime i dalje uzivam u tome sto je sve nekako zgodno i blizu. Naravno, moje grlo je malo posustalo, jer zima dolazi sa posledicama, ali bas pre ponoci sam skoknula do Starbucks-a i narucila veliki caj od nane i najbolji deo je da je bila guzva(izgleda da nisam jedina kojoj se nesto pije u ponoc). Nego da se vratimo na glavnu temu-nedelju mode, trenutno nisam ni sama sigurna da li se ovo sve zaista desava. Nisam imala mnogo vremena (ili imalo vremena) da razmislim o svemu, ali sada kada sam u svojoj sobi udobno smestena dok mi se caj hladi, ne mogu a da ne pomislim kako se nege stvari dese s razlogom. Ovde sam vise od 7000km udaljena od kuce, zbog revija i modnih dogadjaja, bavim se stvarima za koje nisam ni znala koliko zapravo zelim i sve mi se to cini nekako neverovatno. Ali da, dosta sa ovim dubokim emocijama i mislima haha, pa da vam kazem nesto i o kolekcijama koje sam imala priliku da vidim. Diesel Black Gold je sve oborio s nogu, kao sto mozete videti ispod, tako da trenutno sve sto me zanima je da li cu uspeti da kupim ono sto zelim iz kolekcije pre nego se rasproda. Tory Burch, J.Crew i Pamella Roland su takodje imali sta da pokazu, pa ih nisam mogla izostaviti iz posta. Jos malo pa se vracam za London posto LFW pocinje ove nedelje. Znam da je klise, ali vreme stvarno leti, zar ne? Mogu ja napustiti Empire State, ali Empire State od Mind nikada ne napusta mene :)







Diesel Black Gold

I was very excited to see what has Andreas Melbostad prepared for us, and trust me he really exceeded my expectations, to the point that I think this is the best Diesel Black Gold collection ever! And that is a big statement for me. This extremely cool line was full of silver, black and white futuristic pieces from the space. Metallic silver parka with shearling lining was my absolute favourite, as its type of jacket that ticks all the boxes, practicality, functionality and looks! Shapes in this collection were defined with texture play of laminated metallic surfaces and soft wool. Diesel Black Gold DNA denim and leather are given futuristic shiny treatment. All in all, I urgently need these pieces, and I am starting to feel anxious that they might sell out quickly.

Bila sam izuzetno uzbudjena da vidim sta nam je Andreal Melbostad pripremio ove sezone i verujte mi da je predvazisao sva moja ocekivanja. Toliko da mislim da je ova Diesel Black Gold kolekcija najbolja do sada! S obzirom da je ovo velika izjava, dopusticu vam da se sami uverite. Veoma cool kolekcija puna srebrnih, crnih i belih motiva iz svemira. Srebrna parka je moj favorit i mislim da je to komad koji zaista ima mnogo dobrih strana ukljucujuci i prakticnost i funkcionalnost osim izgleda naravno. Diesel Black Gold DNK koza i teksas su poprimili novu futuristicku notu. Sve u svemu pod hitno mi trebaju ovi komadi a pocinjem da se brinem da ce se rasprodati brzinom svetlosti.







Tory Burch



Pamella Roland


I wore: