11 Feb, 2014

MBFW in New York day 4


On the 4th day I decided to give myself some time off from the shows, as I had to catch up with emails and to warm up. Of course I went to shows, and I would never miss telling you about DKNY and Diane von Furstnberg collections. Needles saying that besides catching up with emails, I used this opportunity to pop into Victoria’s Secret, as I always do when in New York, and just pick few things. Shopping here is just amazing, there is barely no time to do it, but I am still planning to squeeze some more into my schedule. Few coffees and few ibuprofens to kill the muscle main from constant waling (mostly in heels) later, I was ready to hit the shows, about which you can read below, as usual…but thats not it, during the fashion week, you have to stay up late, in order to celebrate successful collections with designers at their after parties. So Im sure you can now understand I am never in the room, but when I am, Hotel Empire is really spoiling me with all sorts of amazing food, drinks and the comfiest bed ever. Hope you like what I wore on the day 4, its a bright option for winter, as most of other people are dressed in dark colours, I just love brights too much not to embrace them. There will be another post today, so make sure to come back and check out some of my ideas and thoughts on Valentines Day :)

Cetvrti dan u ledenom Njujorku sam odlucila da sebi dam malo oduska, da se ugrejem i odgovorim na mejlove. Naravano da sam isla na revije, zar mislite da bih propustila da vam pricam o DKNY i Diane von Furstenberg kolekcijama? Naravno osim odgovaranja na mejlove, ovo vreme sam takodje iskoristila da skoknem do Victoria’s Secret radnje kao i uvek kada sam u Njujorku da uzmem par stvarcica. Shopping ovde je neverovatan i iako nemam skoro uopste vremena za to, planiram da jos koji sat uglavim u raspored. Par kafa i ibuprofena za bol u misicima od neprekidnog hodanja (uglavnom u stiklama) kasnije bila sam spremna za revije i o njima mozete procitati ispod kao i uvek… ali to nije sve, za vreme nedelje mode, dan se zavrsava jako kasno, jer posle revija dolaze na red proslave na kojima se druzimo sa dizajnerima i cestitamo im na uspesnim kolekcijama. Mislim da sada verovatno shvatate da skoro nikada nisam u sovi, ali kada jesam Empire Hotel me neverovatno razmazi, raznom hranom, picem i najudobnijim krevetom na svetu. Nadam se da vam se dopada ovo sto sam nosila 4. dana, totalno sam odlepila za Ted Baker novom kolekcijom, mislim da je to trenutno dizajner u kom se najvise pronalazim, tako da ga cesto mozete videti na meni.Svi nose tamne boje, pa sam ja odlucila da nosim ono sto volim i sto je prepoznatljivo za mene. Danas vas ocekuje jos jedan post, zato se vratite pod obavezno da vidite moje ideje i miljenje o danu zaljubljenih :)











One of my favourite personalities in the fashion industry celebrated 40th anniversary of design. DVF fascinates me not only with her work but also with her character, charisma and positive views. She is well knows for the famous wrap dress, prints and use of colour which is exactly what you could see at the show. My favourite piece is the blue coat, but also few golden dresses I lusted over. DVF really turned out to be printing fairy with stars, clouds, moons, knots in many colours, mainly black and gold. Beautiful event, with golden glitter that fell of the ceiling as a special touch to 4 decades of this fabulous work.

40 Godisnjica dizajniranja jedne od mojih omiljenih licnosti i karaktera u svetu mode. DVF me ne fascinira samo svojim radom, vec i razmisljanjem, pozitivnim stavom, pogledu na svet. Poznata po svojoj “wrap dress” i printovima i bojama, to je upravo ono sto ste mogli videti i ove sezone na njenoj reviji. Moj omiljeni komad je udeljivo plavi kaput, ali je bilo i zlatnih haljina za kojima sam poludela. Poznata po printovima koje sama pravi, DVF nas je iznenadila zvezdama, oblacima, cvorovima u raznim bojama i velicinama, ali najvise u crnoj i zlatnoj. Fenomenalan dozivljaj sa sve zlatnim sljokicama koje su pale u cast 4 decenije neverovatnog rada






DKNY’s urban chick never fails to impress and remind me of streets of New York, and boyish style that can be so sexy in a completely different way. It was all about detailing this season, sequins that jazzed up sleeves, graphic houndstooth print, textures and so on…Collection that is very wearable and recognisable for the designer. The almost zebra print sets were my favourite, but I also liked sweaters and beautiful jumpers on the catwalk.

DKNY urbani sik me nikada ne ostavi ravnodusnom, jer me podseca na ulice Njujorka i na muskobanjasti stil koji nekada moze biti i sexy na potpuno drugaciji nacin. Sve je u detaljima ove sezone, paa je bilo mnogo sljokica koje su ukrasavale rukave, houndstooth printa, mesanja tekstura i slicno…Kolekcija je veoma nosiva i prepoznatljiva za dizajnerku. Nesto slicno zebra printu se pojavljivalo u kolekciji i ovi kompleti su mi se mnogo dopali, bas kao i dzemperi i duksevi u svih oblika.



I wore: