9 Feb, 2014

MBFW in New York day 3


When it comes to day 3, I dont even know where to start.My first show of the day was Lacoste, and this is always so exciting, as besides amazing spectacle and fabulous clothes, I also get to feel the energy of that big fashion event, when all the important people from the industry come to one place. Straight after Lacoste, I headed to Jill Stuart show, which was breath stopping. It was already 12 o clock when that finished and I really needed a coffee break, a little caffeine infusion to keep me going on the day 3 of the fashion week. Then I headed to the Son Jung Wan show, which was all about writing a list of all the things I want. If you remember, I am a huge fan of this Korean designer, and wore her gorgeous piece here. I managed to squeeze in a quick meeting between this show and Herve Leger, about which I was so excited, as the iconic brand is always dressing major celebrities and has many fans so it was very exclusive. Shortly after that I was taking outfit photos, and had to run off to Tibi backstage and show, where I somehow arrived at the same time as Olivia Palermo, and couldnt believe my luck when we took the lift together,not only she was immaculately dressed, she looked even more gorgeous in real, if possible at all. Tibi was incredible, a lot smaller, more private show,but as a huge fan of the brand I really enjoyed every moment of it.It was about 7pm when this show was over, and I realised I didnt even have a chance to just take my heels off, or to relax, so I felt that 9 hours running up and down around New York started to settle in, and I felt tired. I can say that during this whole day I felt tired even once, because the energy and the adrenalin of these events are incredible. Its something really hard to explain, but I sure feel really happy to be here, and grateful for your comments, so I am preparing a big giveaway for you guys.

Kada je rec o trecem danu ove Njujorske avanture, ne znam gde da krenem. Prva revija koju sam posetila je bila Lacote i to je uvek jako uzbudljivo jer osim neverovatne odece, ovo je jedan od najvecih dogadjaja, sa atmosferom i energijom koja se ne propusta,kada su svi uzbudjeni jer mnogi bitni ljudi iz industrije dolaze. Odmah nakon Lacoste revije pozurila sam da vidim Jill Stuart kolekciju koja je bila nesto posebno. Vec je bilo 12 sati kada se to zavrsilo, i meni je bila neophodna pauza za kafu i infuziju kofeina da mogu da nastavim sa ostalim obavezama. Sledeca revija na rasporedu je bila Son Jung Wan na kojoj sam bukvalno pravila mentalnu listu stvari koje zelim da nosim. Ako se secate ja sam veliki ljubitelj ove dizajnerke i nosila sam vec neke njene stvari ovde.Pre Herve Leger revije uglavila sam i brzinski sastanak, ali sam onda uzbudjeno krenula na ovaj spektakl. Ovaj cuveni brend oblaci najvece zvezde, tako da mozete samo zamisliti ko su bile i kako su izgledale zvanice ove revije. Pre nego sto je pocelo da se smrkava, na red je doslo slikanje outfita, i hvatanje taxija na sledecu lokaciju, Tibi reviju i backstage. Igrom slucaja na lokaciju sam stigl u isto vreme kao i Olivia Palermo, i nisam mogla da verujem kada smo zajedno use u lift, ne samo jer je bila fenomenalno obucena, vec u prirodi izgleda mnogo lepse ako je to ikako moguce. Tibi revija je bila veoma intimna, mnogo manja i ekskluzivnija sto me cinilo jos uzbudjenijom sto sam tamo. U 7 uvece sam shvatila da ceo dan nisam izula stikle i da vec 9 sati trcim sa jednog na drugi kraj Njujorka. Zbog energije i adrenalina u toku dana ne osecam umor uopste, ali uvece shvatim koliko je divno leci u krevet. Ovo je zaista tesko opistati, ali sam jako zahvalna sto imam priliku da budem ovde, kao i na vasoj podrsci, zbog cega vam spremam ogroman giveaway.






Jill Stuart

The designer described her muse as an it girl with an attitude who picks her clothes instinctively , she is unpredictable and boyishly poetic-irregular beauty.I really loved this concept, and couldnt wait to see what this AW14 would be like for us. What really caught my eye were the dresses combined with perfect embellished tights, and most gorgeous jackets and coats. There was a lot of detailing that was unique, and different to anything else I have seen this week. Look number four that you can see above is what I want to wear right now!

Dizajnerka je opisala svoju muzu kao devojku sa stavom koja bira insinktivno svoju odecu, koja je malo muskobanjasta, ali nepredvidiva i sa neverovatnom lepotom. Meni se ovaj koncept jako dopado, pa nisam mogla docekati da vidim sta AW14 sprema za nas. Ono sto mi se jako dopalo su ukrasene carape koje su bile istog printa kao i haljine, kao i fenomenalni kaputi i jakne. Mnogo detalja je bilo unikatno, drugacije od svega ostalog sto sam videla ove nedelje. Cetvrta kombinacija je nesto sto zelim da nosim sada odmah!




Herve Leger

At the time of Herve Leger show, fashion was not only happening on the catwalk, it was incredible seeing all those celebrities and fashion forward guests arriving, crazy photographers and a lot of bare legs in the snow. Of course, it was THE show to attend, and for AW14 Max and Lubov Azria really gave us something to talk about, their signature body hugging dresses got a little bit of a flare, and the cage corsets were present a lot. What really caught my eye were also the open toe boots, which I am sure some of my readers who are the practicality police would just say are ridiculous, but since when is being trendy and beautiful practical? Cut out pieces and cage effect that was added to many of the dresses was my favourite feature.

Za vreme Herve Leger revije moda se nije desavala samo na pisti, vec i po celom Njujorku. Bilo je neopisivo posmatrati sve poznate licnosti i ljude iz mode kako pristizu na ovakav dogadjaj, fotografe koji lude da uslikaju nekoga i kolicinu golih nogu na snegu. Naravno ovo je bio TAJ show kom je tesko prisustvovati, a za AW14 Lubov i Max Azria su nam dali nesto o cemu mozemo pricati danima. Osim njihovih prepoznatljivih haljina koje grle figuru, oblik se znatno promenio u blagi A kroj, sa korsetima koji su bili interesantno iseceni. Ono sto je privuklo moju paznju jesu cizme otvorenih prstiju a koje sam sigurna da ce moji citatelji koji samo veruju u prakticnost i osudjuju sve sto nije takvo misliti da su uzas, ali od kada je moda i lepota prakticna? Razni isecci i korseti su moj omiljeni deo ove kolekcije.


Extremely wearable collection comes to mind when I think of Tibi Fall 2014. The collection was full of cosy knits, beautiful coats, and amazingly designed skirts, that gave away the layered feel without much effort. Tibi colour palette was relatively simple this season, which is the beauty of it, a little bit of blue, navy, grey, monochrome and a touch of red of course. Boyish collection that still maintaines that gorgeous feminine look is hard to achieve, but not for Amy Smilovic as it seems.

Izuzetno nosiva kolekcija je ono sto pr svega moram da naglasim za Tibi jesen zimu 2014. Mnogo dzempera, savrseno krojenih kaputa, pa cak i suknje koje su napravljene na takav nacin da bez mnogo truda izgledaju odlicno kako god ih obucete. Boje Tibi kolekcije su bile prilicno jednostavne, plava, teget, crno-belo, bez i malo crvene. Napraviti cool kolekciju koja je veoma jednostavna, angrogena ali da ipak zadrzava zensku crtu je prilicno tesko, ocigledno ne toliko tesko za Amy Smilovic.




Son Jung Wan
Famous Korean designer went all out with fantastic Fall 2014 designs, gorgeous golden tones, luscious furs and beautiful silhouettes. Very recognisable unique design was present on the catwalk, and I really enjoyed to the maximum seeing these simple, yet so beautifully tailored pieces. There was a golden theme going through the collection, but also the earthy part of it, I loved the elegance and the cleanliness of every look, it had such a luxurious feel, with a very fashion forward client on mind.

Poznata dizajnerka iz Koree je zaista pokazala svoj maksimum u ovoj kolekciji.Njen jesenji dizajn je podrazumevao mnogo zlatnih elemenata i bogatog krzna spojenih u neverovatne siluete. Njen prepoznatljiv dizajn je bio prisutan na pisti, a ja sam uzivala u ovim ipak jednostavnim, ali bajkovitim komadima. Kolekcija se deli u dva dela, zlatnu liniju i zemljane tonove, a ja mislim da je elegancija i jednostavnost svakog komada ostavio utisak besprekornosti te da ce se ova kolekcija dopasti ljubiteljima mode koji su korak ispred svih.



Without any thinking I could easily say that this was my all time favourite Lacoste collection. Inspired by the family heritage of Rene Lacoste, collection was something like modernised, amazing golf wear. There was a lot of burgundy, monochrome, matching suits, and that luxurious feel that this brand exhibited with their AW14 collection.Big thumbs up from me,would love to wear some of the pieces.

Bez previse razmisljanja, ovo je sigurno moja omiljena Lacoste kolekcija ikada. Inspirisana porodicnom istorijom cuvenog Rene Lacoste kolekcija je modernizovana i totalno izmenjena linija odece za golf. Mnogo prepoznatljive brodo i zelene, kao i crno belih kombinacija su bile prisutne u ovoj kolekciji.Meni su se posebno dopali kompleti kao i taj luksuz kome odise svaki komad njihove AW14 kolekcije. Palcevi na gore od mene, jer jedva cekam da nosim neke od ovih komada.

I wore: