7 Feb, 2014

MBFW in New York Day 1


First day in New York for the Fashion Week was definitely a little bit less cold and more fun than I expected. I started the day before 6 am, with breakfast in bed (what else but traditional pancakes with chocolate and banana) after which I got ready to meet People’s Revolution team at the backstage of Nicholas K show. A little digression here, for all of you that dont know, I am a huge Kelly Cutrone fan, I find her very inspiring, motivating, and someone to look up to, as she has a lot of experience and has achieved all with her hard work and communication skills. I met her just after arriving to New York, and she personally invited me to the Nicholas K backstage. It was an amazing experience, had a little chat with the designer duo, played with their dog (in my fancy outfit), took photos, watched models get ready, and finally saw the whole show, which as you can read below was fantastic! Straight after that I went to what always seems to be my “I want it all” show, BCBGMAXAZRIA, of course. Several sighs, selfies, model photos and an empty battery later I was extremely inspired by the show and was making mental notes NOT to forget all those pieces which I have to buy when they come to the shops. At this point, I really needed coffee, so I decided to go with my friend Igor, and an intern Andjela for a little pit stop in Starbucks, followed by some lunch time snacks at the Empire Hotel Rooftop. I think everyone that reads this blog KNOWS how much I love Gossip Girl, that I read all the books and watched episodes of it, so now being in this iconic hotel means I pretty much feel like living the show. My room in Empire also has a fabulous New York view, that I am so grateful for. Don’t think this city ever sleeps, and there was no time for rest, so my afternoon shows were Tadashi Shoji and Desigual, about which you can read below. Before I went to the Sunglasses Hut anti-Valentines party I realised one thing, over the years I made so many friends in New York, mainly through blogging, but I wasnt even aware of how it, until I saw them today and realised how amazing it feels to be reunited. Since my eyes are closing now, I will leave you with the photos of this perfect day!

Prvi dan nedelje mode u Njujorku je bio svakako manje hladan i vise zabavan nego sto sam ocekivala. Pocela sam dan u 6 ujutru, sa doruckom u krevetu (sta drugo nego tradicionalne palacinke sa cokoladom i bananom) nakon kojeg sam se spremila za sastanak sa People’s Revolution timom u bekstejdzu Nicholas K revije. Sledi mala digresija, za sve koji ne znaju, ja sam veliki obozavatelj Kelly Cutrone, i smatram je jako inspirativnom, interesantnom i kao osobu za divljenje, jer ima mnogo iskustva a sve je postigla radom i odlicnim komunikativnim sposobnostima. Licno sam je upoznala nedugo nakom sto sam pristigla u Njujork i pozvala me je da prisustvujem pripremanju prve revije nedelje mode. Bilo je ovo sjajno iskustvo, caskala sam sa dizajnerima, igrala se sa njihovim kucom (u svecanom outfitu, ja, ne kuca), slikala se, gledala modele kako se spremaju i konacno videla reviju o cemu mozete procitati ispod. Odmah nakon toga sam isla na moju “hocu sve” reviju svake sezone, da govorim o BCBGMAXAZRIA. Nekoliko uzdaha, selfija, slika odece i prazne baterije kasnije bila sam toliko inspirisana revijom da sam pokusavala da memorisem sve stvari koje zelim da kupim kada dodju u butike. Tada mi je vec kafa bila neophodna, tako da sam sa drugom Igorom i fashion intern Andjelom otisla u Starbacks na kafu i na rucak u Empire Rooftop.Mislim da svako ko cita ovaj blog od pocetka zna koliko volim Gossip Girl, procitala sam sve knjige i gledala serije, tako da mi je odsedanje u ovom hotelu, poput zivota u seriji. Moja soba ima neverovatan pogled, na cemu sam jako zahvalna. Mislim da ovaj grad nikada ne spava te za odmor nije bilo vremena. Moje popodne se svelo na Tadashi Shoji i Desigual revije, o kojima mozete procitati ispod. Pre nego sto sam otisla u Sunglasses Hut prodavnicu na 5.Aveniji shvatila sam nesto jako bitno.U poslednjih par godina sam stekla jako puno prijatelja u ovom gradu, uglavnom kroz blogovanje, ali toga ni sama nisam bila svesna, dok ih nisam danas videla i shvatila koliko je divno biti opet sa njima. S obzirom da mi se oci zaklapaju, ostavicu vas sa slikama ovog savrsenog dana!









Now tell me, how could anyone not want these pieces? I just wanted to take it all off the models, and take it far, somewhere where I can wear this collection whole winter. A lot of beautiful silhouettes, independent woman vibe, and luxurious feel can describe this collection. Very strong collection for their 25th anniversary was full of fur, pastel tones, all black looks what seems to be a collection that brought the brand to its DNA. Those knee high boots, were also something I really loved (and needed due to weather conditions).

Sada mi recite, kako se bilo kome ovi komadi mogu nesvidjati? Zelela sam sve ovo da skinem sa modela i da odnesem negde daleko gde to mogu nositi celu zimu. Mnogo leprsavih silueta, vibracija stila nezavisne zene i dodir luksuza mogu opisati ovu kolekciju. Veoma jaka linija za njihovu 25.godisnjicu je puna krzna, pastelnih boja, crnih kombinacija i nesto sto je vratilo ovaj brend u svoj pocetni DNK. Ove cizme su takodje nesto sto jako zelim (a i nesto sto mi treba zbog vremenskih uslova).




Nicholas K


What I love about Nicholas and Christopher Kunz is that they always stay true to themselves. They have a signature look that tells a story, and is very bold and cool, just like the whole collection. If you dont believe that crop tops can be worn in fall or winter, then this collection is not for you, but I absolutely loved it. Everything looked really comfortable and nordic, that it made me wanna pack it in the bags and visit mountains for a little stylish trip :)

Ono sto mi se najvise dopada kod Christopher i Nicholas Kunz-a jeste to sto su uvek dosledni sebi. Imaju svoj neki look koji prica pricu a koji je istovremeno jako upadljiv i kul, bas kao i ova kolekcija. Ako ne verujete da se kratke majice mogu nositi na jesen i zimu onda ova kolekcija nije za vas, ali se meni jako dopala. Sve je izgledalo udobno i nekako ususkano, da sam pozelela da se spakujem i pravac na planinu na odmor sa stilom :)






Desigual Fall 2014 show was just so much fun. Very characteristic for the brand, music was so happy, and all the models were dancing, smiling and just lifting the atmosphere. I was absolutely swamped by the beauty of Candice Swanepoel who opened and closed the show. Desigual went back to their roots by making a collection inspired by optimism found in Barcelona, and with that collection was full of mini dresses, flowing maxi dresses, black and white graphic coats,violet, navy, burgundy and hunter green colours. When La vida es chula, love is always in the air.

Desigual je svoju jesenju kolekciju predstavio na zabavan nacin. Veoma karakteristicno za ovaj brend musika je bila vesela a modeli su igrali i smejali se da bi podigli atmosferu. Bila sam odusevljena lepotom Candice Swanepoel koja je otvorila i zatvorila reviju.. Desigual se vratio svojim korenima i napravio kolekciju inspirisanu optimizmom Barselone, prepunu mini haljinama, maxi haljinama, crnim i belim printovima, kao i bojama poput ljubicaste, bordo, teget i maslinasto zelene. Kada im je moto La vida es chula, ljubav je uvek oko nas.




Tadashi Shoji


A gorgeous collection featuring laser cut micro suede, which was inspired by Moorish architecture left a big impression on me. My favourite was navy cape which you can see above, that mimics Moroccan tiling and has such a luxurious and feminine touch to it. The whole collection had a little bit more European feel, rather than Western, and with that really ticked all of my boxes. Hard to decide on absolute favourite, but above are my top 4.

Predivna kolekcija koja je bila prepuna brusene koze secene laserom da bi se dobio efekat cipke. Inspirisana Mavarskom arhitekturom ova linija je ostavila veliki utisak na mene. Jedna od omiljenih stvari koje sam videla tog dana mi se ovaj teget ogrtac koji mozete videti gore, jer mislim da je neverovatno remek delo, a podseca na tradicionalne plocice iz Maroka.Sve je imalo zenstvenu notu i kolekcija je veoma luksuzna, sa tezom ka Evropi, a ne zapadu, za razliku od njegovih prethodnih kreacija. Tesko da se odlucim za omiljni komad, ali iznad vidite moj top 4.


I wore: