Day 2 of London Fashion Week started with coffee and hot chocolate croissants before the shows begun. I knew we had so much planned so wanted to wear something that ai will feel cofortable and relaxed in. We started the day with few shows, and then decided to go to the Ugg Lounge and relax with most confortable Uggs as a break fron heels and to enjoy the London view. Around tea time our phones usually die, because of all the instagraming and filming, so after most amazing hamburgers at Byron’s Zorana and I went to the apartment where we socialised with other bloggers and had the best desserts ever, yum! You can probably notice the jewellery I am wearing in this post, and its not a secret that I love Folli Follie and their sparkly beautiful creations. Layered necklaces and multiple rings are just perfect for fashion week. I think thay jewellery also really complimented the Dorothy Perkins skirt and shirt I wore, I was searching for this skirt everywhere and just couldnt find anything similar that works. I think I will get many wears out of it. So, i just arrived to Milano, and am going to explore the city, but I am leaving you with the photos of this beautiful LFW day :)
Drugi dan London Fashion Week-a zapoceo je kafom i vrucim kroasanima od cokolade pre nego sto su revije pocele. Znala sam da imamo mnogo toga u planu pa sam htela da nosim nesto u cemu cu se osecati super. Posle prvih revija odlucile smo da odemo do Ugg prostorija za opustanje na cemu su nam najvise zahvaljivale noge jer su dobile pauzu od stikli. Osim udobnosti tamo smo mogle uzivati u predivnom pogledu na London kao sto mozete videti na slikama. Posle najboljih hamburgera u cuvenom Byron’s restoranu otisle smo do The Apartment-a kojije mesto gde blogeri koji su pozvani mogu puniti svoje telefone, druziti se a mi smo uzivale i u desertu. Verovatno ste primetili nakit koji nosim u ovom postu, a nije tajna da obozavam Folli Follie zbog svetlucavih i slatkih komada koji upotpunjuju outfite. Mislim da je nakit znacajno dopunio kimbinaciju Dorothy Perkins suknje i kosulje. Ovu suknju sam trazila jako dugo i sada ne zelim da se izvlacin iz nje. Upravo sam stigla u Milano tako da idem da istrazujem grad sa Zokom a vas ostavljam sa slikama ovog prelepog LFW dana :)
I wore: