22 Feb, 2014

Empire Hotel NYC shoot


I know that a lot of you like to hear my stories from travelling, and this is what I decided to devote this post to.
But where to start? My last 30 days were pretty crazy, I started with a trip to Amsterdam, then off to New York, 5 days in London, currently in Milan, and in less than a week I will be off to Paris, and thats not even end of my travels. Well, lets just say that I am loving it, but it can also be challenging if you dont have all you need. New York traffic can be really mad, so when deciding on the hotel this year, I was going for the best possible location, something that is super close by, but also good for a blogger like me, somewhere where I can relax at night, party, or is in the heart of the city. Hotel Empire was of course the obvious choice and may I just add, not only for the fashion week. From my beautiful room I could see Lincoln Center which is where most of the fashion shows happen, but also Central Park which is extremely exciting when you are a tourist (and cheesy like me). Do I even have to mention that a Gossip Girl fan like me CAN NOT skip staying at Empire? I decided to do this shoot in my hotel room(while Chuck Bass was having Bloody Mary at the roof top, haha) and answer some of the questions you guys asked me about fashion week, and during the stay in New York. I will probably do something similar after all 4 fashion weeks, so feel free to ask more in the meanwhile :) I feel really blessed to have a chance to stay at these amazing places and to share them with you, but also to tell you about ones that are not so good, because that way you know what to avoid! Only the best for my readers…No matter what you are going to Big Apple for, weather its shopping, work, sight seeing, fashion week, or anything else, Empire as one of the famous landmarks of this city is ideal, and of course if you require a good service ( I owe a huge thank you to Christian concierge who rang my mobile every time a ticket for the show was delivered to the hotel, just to make sure I don’t miss anything).Food was 10 marks out of 10, and I did not miss a single thing during all 8 nights of stay. I would like to say a huge thank you to the Hotel, and to every member of staff, as I never felt alone or lost, that is a huge bonus when you re travelling all the time! And now lets start with the questions.

Znam da mnogi od vas vole da cuju moje price sa putovanja, zato sam odlucila da posvetim ceo post tome. Samo odakle da pocnem? Mojih poslednjih 30 dana je bilo prilicno ludo, pocela sam sa putovanjem za Amsterdam, potom Njujork, onda 5 dana u Londonu, trenutno sam u Milanu a za manje od 5 dana idem u Pariz, cak ni to nece biti kraj mojim putovanjima. Ali dobro, zaista mi je ova godina pocela neverovatno i mnogo sam srecna, sto imam priliku da sve ovo iskusim, iako s vremena na vreme ume da bude i veliki izazov. Saobracaj u Njujorku je cesto nocna mora, tako da kada sam birala hotel ove godine, htela sam da nadjem nesto na najboljoj mogucoj lokaciji u centru desavanja za blogera kao sto sam ja. Hotel Empire je naravno bio ocigledan izbor, ne samo za nedelju mode vec i inace. Iz moje prelepe sobe imala sam direktan pogled na Lincoln Center gde se vecina revija odrzava, ali takodje i na Central Park, sto je nesto divno ako ste turista(ili jednostavno preuzbudjeni oko svega kao ja). Da li moram uopste da napominjem da ljubitelj Gossip Girl-a kao ja NE MOZE da ne odsedne u ovom hotelu? Odlucila sam da napravim par slika dok sam bila tamo(a za to vreme je Chuch Bass pio bloodu mary na krovu hotela haha) i da odgovorim na neka pitanja koja mi cesto postavljate u vezi nedelje mode i Njujorka. Verovatno cu uraditi nesto slicno posle sva 4, tako da slobodno ostavite jos pitanja ako vas nesto zanima u vezi ovih putovanja :) Zaista sam presrecna sto imam priliku da odsednem na ovako fenomealnim mestima i da ih podelim sa vama, ali i da vam kazem o nekim ne tako dobrim, o cemu cete tek cuti…jer mislim da je jedino tako fer. Nebitno iz kog razloga idete u Njujork, shopping, odmor, obilazak, fashion week ili bilo sta drugo, Empire je jedna od poznatijih zgrada u Velikoj jabuci,i naravno tamo cete dobiti izuzetnu uslugu (Ogromno hvala Christian-u na concierage desk-u koji me je zvao na mobilni svaki put kada neko dostavi pozivnicu na moje ime, da ne bih nista propustila) A sada pitanja.


1.Who do you usually go with when you travel?
It really depends on what is the trip about. For fashion weeks its important to have someone who can understand the reason you are there. In New York this year I had an intern Andjela, who was very supportive, and helped me with all of my schedule, appointments and pictures. I dont think it would be possible to do it all on my own.

1.Sa kim uobicajeno ides na putovanja?
To zaista zavisi od prirode putovanja. Za nedelje mode jako je bitno imati nekoga ko razume kako funkcionise fashion week i zasto sam ja tamo. U Njujorku ove godine sam imala Andjelu, koja je bila moj fashion intern i koja me je podrzavala u svim obavezama i pomagala mi oko rasporeda i slika. Mislim da ne bih mogla sve da uradim bez nje.


2.How do you get invited for the fashion week?
This question is probably most asked. You can apply for accreditation, but that DOES NOT mean you get any tickets for the shows. I get all of my invites from people I work with and PR companies that I deal with through out the year.

2.Kako dobiti pozivnice za fashion week?
Ovo pitanje me najcesce pitate. Mozete naravno aplicirati za akreditatiju, ali vam NE omogucava ulazak na revije. Sve moje karte stizu od ljudi sa kojima radim i PR kompanija koje saradjuju sa mnom cele godine.


3.Do you have to pay for your own trip?
Being a blogger means that you often get these opportunities to travel with brands you love, to join them during the fashion week and to share it with your readers, which I personally did in the past, and absolutely love it. If you are a blogger and want to go somewhere with a brand I recommend working only with ones you really like, as otherwise it would be a hard job, try approaching brands you wear a lot and personally adore.

3.Da li moras sama da platis za putovanja?
Jedna od prednosti sto se tice blogovanja jeste da mozes otici na razna putovanja sa brendovima koje volis, da im se pridruzis u toku nedelje mode i da sve to podelis sa svojim citateljima. To je ono sto ja najvise volim od svega, imam mogucnost da budem vas insider u svetu mode.Ukoliko se bavite blogovanjem, preporucujem da radite samo sa brendovima koje iskreno volite i da slobodno obratite pr agencijama koje predstavljaju marke koje cesto nosite.


4.Why do bloggers always dress a little bit over the top during the fashion week?
I wouldnt call it over the top, but fashion week is not every dayz for us fashion week is an important event, and consecuently you would dress appropriately for an occasion, wouldnt you? I cant wear simple jeans and trainers like im going to school or gym, I have to put in effort, and same goes for other bloggers ;)

4.Zasto se blogeri uvek previse sredjuju za vreme fashion week-a?
Ne bih rekla da se blogeri previse sredjuju za vreme fashion week-a vec nekako nam je to najbitnija prilika u industriji, a kako se za znacajne dogadjaje treba obuci prikladno mislim da drugaciji outfitu proizilaze iz toga. Ne mogu na modne revije nositi patike i farmerice koje nosim u teretanu,mislim da je nekulturni ne potruditi se a isto vredi i za ostale blogere.


5.What does one fashion week day look like?
Thats a whole other post, but usually I wake up around 7am to get ready as sometimes first show of the day is around 9, then running from show to show, presentation, meetings, updating social media on the go, going for fittings and to showrooms, trying to squeeze in late lunch and going to hotel around 5-6 after which i am getting ready to go to the after parties and dinners and then i stay up late to prepare the blogpost.I love all of the socialising during the fashion week, and specially love meeting new bloggers.

5.Kako izgelda jedan dan kada si negde povodom fashion week-a?
Tome bih mogla posvetiti ceo jedan post, jer je siroka tema, ali uglavnom se budim oko 7 ujutru da se spremim za revije koje pocinju uglavnom oko 9, onda idem od revije do revije, na prezentacije, sastanke, poaecujem showroom-ove, idem po odecu, slikam se za blog i trudim se da budem azurna i prenosim vama sve kad god mogu. Oko 5-6 se vratim u hotel, spremam se za after party ili veceru. Kada se vratim u hotel ostajem budna do kasno, jer na red dolazi pripremanje posta za sutra. Najvise od svega volim druzenja koja se odvijaju u toku februara i septembra, pogotovo sa blogerima i novim koje upoznajem.



In this post I wore:
