28 Feb, 2014

Casual in Paris


I somehow keep returning to Paris time after time, and every time I come I wonder why dont I just come more often. Its just so easy to get here, only 2 hours on the train from London, and its another world comparing to the British Island. Well, its not easy to have a great Parisian experience either, I must admit that sometimes it can be difficult to find the right places, but this fashion week seems to be just perfect. Rain is not bothering me, as its still relatively warm, and the beauty of City of lights is keeping you too excited to feel the cold. On the first day of my Paris Fashion Week adventure I decided to take things easy and just walked a lot, had breakfast at Laduree, dinner at Ralph Lauren restaurant, both of which I strongly recommend, and tried to enjoy being able to wear something casual, as for the past (fashion) month that was just not possible. I took these photos on a balcony in Shangri-La hotel in Paris with the most beautiful view you can imagine, and the best part is that at night when Eiffel Tour starts sparkling, you get the full Glam and Glitter effect which I adore, who wouldnt? Without further due, enjoy my first shots of Paris, or in case you are curious, go through my older posts made in this city HERE.

Nekako se uvek iznova i iznova vracam u Pariz i svaki put kad dodjem pitam se zasto ne dolazim cesce. Iz Londona je jako lako doci, s obzirom da vozom mozete stici za samo 2 sata, a potpuno je drugi svet u poredjenju na Britansko Ostrvo. Priznajem nije lako sjajno se zabaviti ni u Parizu ako ne znate prava mesta, ali nedelja mode je uvek zabavna ma gde god bili. Kisa mi ne smeta, jer je i dalje nekako toplo, a grad je toliko lep da od njegovih svetala i arhitekture ne mozete misliti na hladnocu. Prvi dan Avanture sa Pariskom nedeljom mode odlucila sam da uzivam i u opustenoj odeci prosetala gradom, doruckovala u Laduree-u i Rucala u Ralp Lauren restoranu, oba vam toplo preporucujem. Pokusala sam da obucem nesto udobno, jer u poslednjih (modnih) mesec dana nisam uspela nista off duty da obucem. Ove slike su sa balkona Shangri La hotela u Parizu, sa najlepsim pogledom koji mozete da zamislite, a najbolji deo je da po noci Ajfelov Toranj pocne da svetli i bude totalno Glam and Glitter. Bez odugovlacenja, ovde je moj prvi post iz Pariza , a ako ste znatizeljni i zelite da pogledate i prethodne postove iz ovog magicnog grada, obavezno kliknite OVDE.








I wore: