10 Feb, 2014

Casual in New York


A mini pause with fashion week craze, just as I needed to go for a hot chocolate and a stroll around Central Park and all the pretty avenues. So its getting colder and colder, which again means a really warm coat is essential, and if its also somewhat pleasant for the eye, thats even better so! I am really happy I found this amazing Zara coat in the sale, and even happier when it served as a blanket on the plane to NY, and beyond myself that I completely justified unnecessary purchase when I found out its extremely warm. So back to my love for New York, there is just so much going on in this city, and a lot of it is completely different to what Im used to. I mean, shops that are open 24/7? Why dont we get those in England? Want to buy some makeup at 3am after partying? Sure, go ahead, there are plenty of places to do it…And I guess I found out why they call it city that never sleeps. So about my few hours of casual wear and comfy heaven for my feet (yes, they were endlessly grateful for this lush feeling of not walking in heels first time after 3 days!), staying at Empire Hotel is just so perfect. Not only that I am only across the street from the fashion week tents, but I have the best location for everything else too, and the best view (+that “Am I in the Gossip Girl episode” Feeling). I went for a little shopping/walk today and really enjoyed it. New York is just beautiful, even when the temperatures are so low, I still love every moment I get to spend here.

Mala pauza sa nedeljom mode na blogu, jer sam zelela da vam pokazem opustnu kombinaciju koju sam nosila za setnju Central Parkom i avenijama uz toplu cokoladu. Vreme postaje sve hladnije i hladnije, sto znaci da je topao kaput neophodan, a ako je uz to prijatan oku, jos bolje! presrecna sam sto sam ulovila ovaj Zara kaput na rasprodaji, a jos srecnija kada mi je posluzio kao cebe u avionu, da ne kazem koliko sam opravdala nepotrebnu kupovinu kada sam dokazala da je i topao. Nego da se vratim na moju ljubav prema Njujorku, toliko se toga desava u ovom gradu, cak i neke stvari na koje ja uopste nisam navikla. Mislim, parfimerije koje su otvorene 24/7? Zasto mi to nemamo u Engleskoj?Ukoliko vam se kupuje sminka posle izlaska, u 3 ujutru, sto da ne…vajda ga zato zovu grad koji nikada ne spava. Vreme koje sam uspela da ugrabim izmedju revija bilo je odlicno iskoristeno u udobnoj odeci i raju za moja stopala(da, bila su mi jako zahvalna za ovaj divni osecaj nakon 30 sati stikli u pethodna 3 dana), ali je i lokacija Empire hotela mnogo pomogla. Ne samo sto je prekoputa centrau kom se fashion week odvija nego imam i fenomenalan pogled (+taj “Da li sam u Gossip Girl seriji” osecaj). Danas sam se malo prosetala i krenula u kupovinu, i zaista sam uzivala.Njujork je neopisivo lep, pa cak i kada su temperature jako niske ja uzivam u svakom momentu provedenom ovde.















I wore: