7 Jan, 2014

Win Chanel Chance perfume Giveaway

Hello my lovelies. As its Christmas in Christian Orthodox calendar today, and many of my readers come from Serbia and Russia, I decided to do this giveaway, where two lucky readers will be able to win my favourite, Chanel Chance perfume. This is also my way of saying thank you so much for all the support with my own body products that are almost sold out.
All you need to do is share this post on your Facebook or Twitter page together with one of the photos from the post!
I will post a photo on my Facebook page which you can just re-share or copy tweet with link to this page. Write your email address in the comments, and I will pick a winner at the end of this month by random.org.
Good Luck!!! An outfit post will also come up tonight :)
Cao dragi moji! S obzirom da je danas Bozic i moj omiljeni praznik u godini, pozelela sam da vam poklonim nesto lepo, tako da sam organizovala jedan giveaway u kom ce dva sretnika osvojiti moj omiljeni Chanel Chance parfem. Na ovaj nacin takodje zelim da vam se zahvalim za svu podrsku oko moje linije proizvoda koji su skoro rasprodati!
Sve sto treba da uradite jeste da podelite link za ovaj post na svom facebook ili twitter nalogu, zajedno sa jednom od slika iz posta!
Ja cu postaviti sliku i na Facebook stranicu, tako da mozete shareovati to ako vam je lakse. Ostavite komentar sa vasom email adresom, na kraju meseca cu odabrati dobitnika putem random.org sajta. Srecno!!! Outfit post sledi veceras :)

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