Im spending the first days of 2014 focused on planning. As I mentioned in my previous post there is gonna be a lot of changes here, and I am still working on that. Its almost impossible to explain how excited I am to show you all Glam&Glitter 2.0 But first things first. My outfit for today is very very casual, that is mainly because I only got dressed to go to the supermarket, and took few photos. Not much happening at the moment, because I haven’t fully unpacked. The thing that is slowing me down the most is my walk in wardrobe which isn’t getting built until the second half of this month, so all of my clothes is trapped in boxes and bags, suitcases…many of them. I have no other storage option, so getting dressed is taking much longer. Oh well, 2014. is getting me very motivated to work on my dreams and I am preparing some more personal posts for you soon. Hope you have all written down what you wanted to achieve this year and which goals will you be working on. I think its the best motivation for success, compete with yourself this year :)
Provodim prve dane 2014.godine planirajuci. Kao sto sam vam spomenula u prethodnom postu ovde pripremam mnogo promena i dalje radim na tome. Skoro je nemoguce opisati koliko sam uzbudjena da vam pokazem Glam&Glitter 2.0 do kog nas deli jos samo par dana. Moja kombinacija za danas je veoma opustena jer sam se obukla da odem u nabavku i usput se slikala. Trenutno mi se ne desava mnogo toga, jer se jos nisam raspakovala do kraja. Ono sto me najvise usporava jeste izgradnja garderobera koji bi trebao doci drugom polovinom meseca, jer tada arhitekta dolazi da ga napravi. Sva mi je odeca do tada zarobljena u kutijama, koferima….i to mnogo njih, jer nemam gde drugo da je stavim. Zbog toga je oblacenje postalo prava misija. Ipak ova godina me motivisala vise nego ista da radim na svojim snovima i zato vam pripremam neke mnogo licnije postove. Nadam ste da ste i vi napisali listu svojim ciljeva i planova koji ce vas motivisati da budete sto bolji. Licno mislim da je najbolji recept za uspeh da se takmicite sami sa sobom ove godine :)