I spent the day finishing of some bits for the Glam and Glitter 2.0 we are now sorting out final bits and new version should be live quite soon! Besides that an architect is at my home, working on my walk in wardrobe, which makes me so excited I can barely eat. At this point, I don’t even remember what it is like to have a wardrobe, since I almost got used to my “box system”, but I literally cant wait for everything to be done so I can unpack it all to be able to see what I have. So right now I feel super tired because there is so much to do, and so many things to finish, but I am just putting in last atoms of my energy and many millilitres of coffee into my system to be able to finish few of the projects that you will love and find very useful in the future. So let the year 2014 be amazing, full of productivity, because we all now that results only come after hard work.
Provela sam ceo dan zavrsavajuci neke stvari za Glam and Glitter 2.0 verziju i sredjujuci neke zavrsne detalje, tako da ce i to uskoro biti gotovo! Osim toga arhitekta mi je u kuci i gradi moj garderober, oko kojeg sam toliko uzbudjena da jedva mogu da jedem. Trenutno se ni ne secam kako je imati orman, posto sam se skoro navikla na ova “sistem sa kutijama”, ali bukvalno ne mogu da docekam da bude gotovo , pa da mogu da vidim sta sve imam. Ovaj dan mi vec jako dugo traje i jako sam umorna, ali sa toliko toga na mojoj listi zadataka pokusavam da ubacim sto vise mililitara kafe u organizam i da zavrsim projekte za koje mislim da ce vam se jako dopasti i koji ce biti korisni u buducnosti. Pa neka nam svima 2014.bude veoma produktivna, jer svi znamo da se samo iza rada kriju rezultati
I wore: