Bare legs on 11th of January? Seems pretty impossible, or well, thats what I used to think until today, as we had the hottest day in a very long time. It appears that calendar isn’t really reliable in this country. You pretty much have to rely on what you feel rather than what you think, because you can get hot days in January but very cold ones in July. This outfit is a bit of a celebration outfit, something I wore for a formal diner with my team as we discussed next steps for Glam and Glitter and celebrated most recent achievements. I am all about celebrating success, as I talked about in THIS post and strongly believe in importance of appreciating all of the achievements no matter how big or small they are. So without chatting too much about everything again, I will talk about the outfit. I picked a bit of a black and white combo and of course some burgundy touches just to add a bit of colour. There Margiela for H&M wedges are still one of my favourites, because they always look so interesting, and it helps that they are comfortable as well. I get a lot of questions about spending a lot of time in heels, and how I do it. To be very honest, it depends on the shoes a lot. If I know I will be spending long time in heels, I make sure to pick one of my comfiest ones I own, but again if I know it will be one of those “sitting” evenings, then I don’t mind picking some of the heels that are only for show, you girls know what I mean ;))
Gole noge 11.januara? Cini mi se prilicno nemoguce, ili sam to barem mislila do danas, u sta me je razuverio najtopliji dan u poslednjih nekoliko meseci. Izgleda da kalendar uopste nije dosledan u ovoj zemlji. Uglavnom se koncentrisem na ono sto osecam nego na ono sto mislim, jer sada imamo vrele dane u januaru i ledene u julu. Ovaj outfit je bio za jednu proslavu, nesto sto sam nosila na veceru sa mojim timom kada smo raspravljali o sledecim koracima za Glam and Glitter i proslavljali neke od poslednjih uspeha. Znate i sami koliko mislim da je bitno proslavljati svaki uspeh, kao sto sam pricala u OVOM postu i verujem u vaznost poštovanja svacijih dostignuca ma koliko ona bila velika ili mala. Pa bez da se opet zapricam o tome, reci cu vam vise o outfitu. Izabrala sam crno-belu kombinaciju i naravno neke bordo detalje, da unesem malo boje. Ove Margiela za H&M platforme su jedne od mojih omiljenih jer uvek izgledaju interesantno, a cinjenica da su udobne takodje pomaze. Mnogo pitanja mi uputite na racun stikli i cesto vas zanima kako izdrzim dugo u njima. Nema neke tajne osim da ako znam da cu dugo vremena provesti na nogama uvek izaberem cipele u kojima znam da su biti ok i koje su udobne, dok na one dogadjaje koji se vrte oko visecasovnog sedenja mogu obuti i “paradne” cipele, znate i same, drage moje, na sta mislim :))