4 Dec, 2013

Red Jacket and Shiny Hair

New jacket- Boda Skins

Hello my lovelies, today besides the outfit post (we cant miss the outfit can we?) I have some exciting news for my UK based followers. Lately a lot of you have commented on my straight hair. Some said they liked it better, some said they preferred the curls, but most of you agreed that my hair looked healthier than ever. I havent really changed that much, besides the fact I dont use anything harmful on it anymore… We all know that a bad hair day can be a total disaster, but there is no need to panic because ghd have launched the ghd eclipse styler, to tame the most unruly hair. Using patented tri-zone technology, the new styler allows you to style faster with optimum temperature of 185c for unbeatable shine and longer lasting results. To celebrate the launch, I will be going behind the scenes at ghd HQ and hosting an exclusive event at their Dean Street Studios in London, and you guys can be a part of it!

I have 10 exclusive invitations to give away for the night, where ghd’s star stylist Jo Robertson will be working her magic on a model’s hair live at the ghd studio and, most importantly, you can get your hair styled by the ghd art team too. Even if you have the most stubborn hair in the world(like my unruly, curly hair), the ghd eclipse is guaranteed to tame your hair in a matter of minutes.
Besides me, Suzi from Style Suzi will also be hosting the night with lots of cocktails and cupcakes!
For your chance to attend this fantastic event on Friday 13th December just comment on this post and I will randomly pick 10 lucky winners. And if you miss out, don’t worry as all ghd eclipse stylers currently have a huge £50 off. Grab yours at ghdhair.com.  As there will be cocktails available, attendees must be over 18, and if you are around London area, why not come to have fun with me, get your hair done, and enjoy in the atmosphere. Dont forget to leave your email address below if you would like to attend the event on 13th of December 6-9pm as I cant wait to meet 10 of you and to have our hair done all together with amazing ghp new eclipse styler* :)  I will pick the lucky winners on 10th of December, so not a lot of time left! See you soon.
*Ts&Cs are applicable, please request more information if needed.

Cao dragi moji, danas osim outfit posta(ne mozemo propustiti outfit, zar ne?) imam jos i neke uzbudljiv novosti za sve moje citatelje u Velikoj Britaniji, znam da ima nasih na ostrvu koji ovo citaju. U poslednje vreme ste vise komentarisali moju kosu nego inace, zato sto je ravna. Nekima se vise svidja ravna, nekima loknice, ali uglavnom ste mi pisali da mi kosa izgleda zdravije nego ikada. Nisam nista promenila osim sto ne koristim nista sto moze nastetiti mojoj kosi…Svi znamo da su dani kada ustanemo sa losom frizurom i nista nam ne polazi od ruke zastrasujuci, ali sada vise nemam razloga za paniku, od kad sam probala novi ghd eclipse styler za najneposlusniju kosu. Ovaj aparat koristi tri-zone tehnologiju i sa minimalnom kolicinom toplote od 185c daje kosi sjaj i rezultate koji dugo traju. Da bismo proslavili ovaj novitet, ja cu biti jedan od domacina na ghd eventu u Dean Street Studios u Londonu i pozivam i vas da dodjete!
Imam 10 mesta za moje citatelje koji ce moci da gledaju kako Jo Roberton vrsi prezentaciju i uci nas o frizurama, a onda cete dobiti i tretman naravno. Cak i ako je vasa kosa najteza za oblikovanje, za nekoliko minuta cete imati frizuru, videcete i sami.
Osim mene, Suzi sa Style Suzi bloga ce biti drugi domacin i druzicemo se sa vama uz koktele i kolace!
Ako zelite da dobijete pozivnicu za dogadjaj 13.12. , molim vas da ostavite email adresu u komentarima, a ja cu nasumice izabrati 10 komentara. U svakom slucaju ghdhair.com poklanja svim mojim citateljima trenutni popust od £50 na ovaj uredjaj, tako da su svi na dobitku! Ukoliko imate iznad 18 godina i zivite u okolini Londona, obavezno ostavite email adresu, da se druzimo od 6-9pm 13.12 dok nam ghd eclipse styler doteruje frizuru*:) 10.12 cu proglasiti pobednike tako da nemamo jos mnogo vremena! Vidimo se uskoro.
*Vise detalja kao i T&C mozete dobiti na zahtev


ghd eclipse













GHD_LFW_LCF_043 - Copy

*Sponsored post 

I wore: