This week has been manic. With all the gift shopping for my friends and meetings, I also am in the middle of the house moving. Pretty much all of my clothes is in the boxes now, except from 2 Juicy Couture tracksuits, pair of jeans, few sweaters, and some other necessities. Its going to be really hard living out of boxes for a while now, but I am so excited about the new house and just unpacking it all. Todays outfit is all about being comfortable, as thats exactly what I needed while working with the interior designers on my new wardrobe, packing, wrapping and seeing my friends to give them all their Christmas gifts, as I might not have a chance to do it later. Hope all of you have been enjoying last two weeks of this year, Im so looking forward to all the plans for the next year.
Ove nedelje sam imala vise obaveza nego sto sam mislila. Pored kupovine poklona i sastanaka, takodje sam i usred selidbe. Manje-vise sva moja odeca je u kutijama, osim par Juicy Couture trenerica, farmerica i jos nekih potrepstina. Bice prilicno tesko ziveti iz kutija naredni period, posebno zbog posla kojim se bavim, ali uzbudjena sam zbog nove kuce i raspakivanja. Danasnji outfit je zapravo veoma udoban, jer sam to zelela za selidbu i rad sa interior dizajnerima koji nam pomazu oko novih ormana, a i zbog toga sto sam posecivala nekoliko drugarica da im ostavim poklone pod jelkama. Nadam se da uzivate u poslednjim danima ove godine, ja sam jako uzbudjena oko svih projekata i planova koje imam za 2014.
I wore: