Love my Folli Follie jewellery, check out their new instagram account HERE
Hello my lovelies! We all know tartan is one of the biggest trends this autumn, and its not a secret that I love it too. To add something different this time in presenting you how to wear a trend I teamed up with beautiful Laura from Walking in Memphis in High Heels blog, who also styled this trend in a very inspiring way. I love Laura’s style, and you have to check out all of her looks on her blog, as well as give her a follow on Bloglovin’ because she is one of those bloggers that are very creative but classic with outfits. Have you worn tartan this season? I love the fact its super warm for December right now, I mean 10-15 degrees is not bad for almost Christmas. I do miss snow, but the perk of wearing just a Wallis jumper and coat over my shoulders feels very lush! Let me know what you think about this trend and how would you wear it :)
Cao dragi moji! Svi znamo da je karirani print jedan od najvecih trendova ove jeseni i nije velika tajna da ga ja takodje volim. Posto se trudim da dodam raznovrsnost ovom blogu, danas osim mog outfita mozete videti i kako je Laura sa Walking in Memphis in High Heels bloga nosila ovaj trend. Obozavam stil koji Laura ima, zato vam predlazem da pogledate njen blog i pratite je na Bloglovin’-u, jer osim sto je veoma kreativna, nosi jako lepe i nosive kombinacije. Da li ste nosili karo print ove sezone? Ja sam odusevljena vremenom u decembru, 10-15 stepeni celzijusa uopste nije lose i iako mi sneg nedostaje srecna sam sto mogu da nosim mnogo toga iz jesenjeg garderobera. Ovaj Wallis dzemper i kaput su osvezili kombinaciju i dodali malo detalja. Jedva cekam da cujem sta vi mislite o ovom trendu i kako biste ga nosili :)
I wore: