20 Dec, 2013

Getting ready with my ghd eclipse styler

As you guys know, last Friday I hosted an event with StyleSuzi and ghd which was so much fun. I had a chance to meet some of my readers, we got our hair done, mingled and enjoyed in bubbly and cupcakes. You had a chance to see a lot of it on my instagram and now I filmed a video of me getting ready using the new ghd eclipse styler and tutorial for the makeup look I used.
I am so impressed how easy it was to straighten my unruly, coarse hair, but in the end received many compliments and found it took me less that 10min to manage those crazy locks. I think you will see the eclipse many more times on my youtube channel, as it makes me really creative, besides straightening you can do a lot more with it. Cant wait to show you.Kao sto verovatno znate, prosli petak sam provela u Londonu sa StyleSuzi i ghd gde smo se sjajno zabavili. Imala sam priliku da upoznam nekoliko citatelja mog bloga , da se druzim sa njima uz sampanjac, kolace i predivne frizure. Direktan izvestaj sa ovog divnog dogadjaja ste imali na insagramu, a sada sam snimila i video mog spremanja uz ghd eclipse peglu za kosu i tutorial za sminku.  Veoma sam zadovoljna eclipse stajlerom , jer je uspeo da sredi moju nemirnu kosu za sta sam dobila mnogo komplimenata iako mi je trebalo samo 10 minuta da je sredim. Mislim da cete eclipse stajler videti jos mnogo puta na mom kanalu jer je u meni probudio kreativnost, zato sto osim sto ispravlja takodje i kovrdza kosu. Jedva cekam da vam pokazem.