30 Dec, 2013

Feeling Blue…Coat

Let me be honest with you, trying to move home, while you are in the middle of the projects, middle of the party season and at the end of the year is not an ideal situation you want to be in. Why exactly? Well, its the whole buying presents, shooting outfit before it gets dark, choosing the furniture, picking the wall colours, replying to emails, then comments then seeing your friends, and before you know it, you forgot to do something. Not that I am complaining, I love those tasks, and they are my favourite things to do(its proving I am quite a good interior designer as well haha). Normally I am a very organised person, and easily juggle a lot of tasks at the same time, but this time I took it to another level. Due to the hectic situation, I pretty much love living in jeans, warm coats, and heels, of course! There is no excuse that would put me off from wearing heels, specially when they are as gorgeous as these Melis Yildiz nude pumps. A macaroon or two always pick my mood up, and gets me back on track,  so I picked a M&S coat from my wardrobe that is exactly in a macaroon like pastel colour, beautiful blue check print wool coat that brings out the colour of my bag and carries the outfit. I am preparing a spacial post with this coat which you will see soon(oh yes, thats what you have asked and I am reading your comments). As I feel really chatty I am gonna go and prepare tomorrows post, there is a lot I want to share with you, for the last day of the year. All Im gonna say is- make sure you have a cup of tea or coffee when reading Glam&Glitter tomorrow ;)
Iskreno da vam kazem, selidba usred zime, dok imate gomilu projekata i bezbroj Bozicnih zabava, jos sve to na kraju godine uopste nije idealna situacija. Zasto? Pa, osim kupovine poklona, spremanja, slikanja, raspakivanja, biranja namestaja, odgovaranja na mailove, na komentare, biranja farbi za zidove, vidjanja sa prijateljima i rada u apoteci tu je jos toliko toga da uvek nesto zaboravim. Ipak ne bunim se, obozavam ove male zadatke, jer su mi omiljene “muke”(a i ispala sam prilicno dobra u uredjenju zivotnog prostora haha). Uglavnom sam prilicno organizovana, izbalansiram obaveze u isto vreme, ali ovaj put sam tu sposobnost dovela na drugi nivo. Zbog ludacke situacije, bukvalno zivim u farmericama i udobnim kaputima ali i stiklama, jer nema te stvari koja ce me odgovoriti od stikli, pogotovo kada su udobne i lepe kao ove Melis Yildiz salonke. Macaroon ili dva mi uvek podignu raspolozenje, tako da sam uzela i kaput u toj nekoj, pastelnoj boji, kariranog printa. Pripremam i poseban post u kom cete videti ovaj M&S kaput, posto ste trazili takav post (da da, sve citam i usliskujem zelje).Posto sam veceras posebno pricljiva idem da pisem sutrasnji post, koji ce biti prilicno dugacak za poslednji dan ove godine. Cisto da vas pripremim, predlazem da obavezno imate solju kafe ili caja kada otvorite Glam&Glitter sutra :)












I wore: