25 Nov, 2013

Little Black Dress for party season


We are slowly hitting the last month of this year, and that usually means one thing-party season. Party season can be quite dramatic if you dont know what to wear, how to do your make up and for that reason I decided to give you some ideas. Over the next few weeks I will try to show you some dresses or looks that are perfect for festive season, and I will try to focus on all of you from teenagers to serious business ladies. Little black dress is something that everyone should have in their wardrobe, style that first their shape and the length they are comfortable with. This one from LittleBlackDress.co.uk really caught my eye, as its classic, but still very attractive with all the mesh cut outs, not to mention how amazing it is, as you dont have to worry about anything since everything is covered. Wear a gorgeous LBD with some sparkly dangly earrings, I particularly love these by Swarovski that are ideal for this time of the year. In tomorrows post I will tell you all about the makeup I used to create this look, so prepare for the part II. Are you already planning what to wear for the big party of the year? And if so, spill the beans :)

Jos malo pa ulazimo u poslednji mesec ove godine, sto podrazumeva sezonu slavlja i dobrog provoda. Ovo doba moze biti prilicno dramaticno ako ne znate sta zelite da obucete, zato sam ja odlucila da vam dam nekoliko ideja. Sledecih par nedelja cu vam pokazati nekoliko haljina i koncentrisacu se na sve uzraste/stilove, od tinejdzera do poslovnih zena. Mala crna haljina je nesto sto svaka devojka treba da ima u svom garderoberu, kroja koji odgovara njenom obliku tela i duzina u kojoj se oseca najbolje. Ova sa LittleBlackDress.co.uk sajta mi je zapala za oko jer je klasicna ali i veoma atraktivna sa iseccima i tilom, u isto vreme je i veoma udobna jer ne morate mnogo da brinete. Ovakvu haljinu kombinujem sa jednostavin detaljima i sjajnim, velikim mindjusama, poput ovih brenda Swarovski. U sutrasnjem postu cu vam reci vise o sminci koju sam koristila za ovaj izgled, zato se pripremita za II deo. Da li vec razmisljate o tome sta biste obukli za najludju noc? Ako da, otkrijte tajnu :)

Check out the bodycon dress selection at LittleBlackDress.co.uk













I wore: