Interesting blazers with embellishments and textures are my favourite things to “collect”. You guys ,mknow I love blazers, and I probably own one too many than I actually need, but they just seem to be perfect for my style. I couldn’t skip this super statement blazer, and even though I know its not up everyones road, I couldnt wait to wear it. I wore this outfit for a fashion event in Covent Garden this weekend, and all I can say is that this blazer was a great topic for a conversation haha. Hope you all have a great weekend, I am planning to finally rest at least for few hours with a hot water bottle, a hot chocolate and Christmas movies on my sofa! What about you?
Zanimljivi sakoi sa dodacima i bogatom teksturom su moji omiljeni odevni komadi za “skupljanje”. I sami znate da generalno volim sakoe, i da ih imam vise nego sto mi je verovatno potrebno, ali se savrseno uklapaju u moj stil. Nisam mogla da preskocim ovaj sako jer mi se izuzetno dopala smelost dizajna, iako znam da je totalno u fazonu ili ga volite ili ga mrzite. Ovu kombinaciju sam nosila na modni event u Covent Garden-u ovaj vikend i samo vam mogu reci da je sako bilo sjajna tema za razgovor haha. Nadam se da cete se divno provesti ovaj vikend! Ja planiram da se odmorim bar nekoliko sati za termoforom i teplom cokoladom gledajuci praznicne filmove na kaucu! A vi?
I wore:
SKIRT-NEW LOOK similar HERE on sale!