A big oversized coat is a must have for this season, according to Vogue and Marie Claire. Also according to them this particular Wallis coat is the hottest piece there is, with its presence in most of the glossy magazines, and winter pages. I was so lucky to get my hands on it, and you can expect to see it a lot in the future. This week I will also tell you what I learned from Wallis’ talented designers Jo and Sital about the trends for outerwear, so make sure to come back by the end of the week. Leather shorts just dont want to leave my wardrobe, I love them, as they are usually worn in the colder months, but they aren’t as boring as jeans can be. To break a darker toned outfit I picked these beige SaVous shorts and I love the way they stand out. You can wear them with jumpers, flats, heels, for day or night, which makes them the ultimate “all in one” piece. A denim shirt added a bit more casual touch to the outfit, after all its day, and this Levi’s one I found in McArthurGlen outlet! Hope you enjoy the post, its almost weekend :)
Kaput koji je krojen tako da izgleda vece za ceo broj je trenutni hit tvrde Vogue i Marie Claire. Takodje sudeci po njima konkretno ovaj Wallis kaput je najpopularniji komad sezone, sa prisustvom u skoro svim vecim casopisima i zimskim stranicama. Veoma sam srecna sto sam ga se uspela docepati, tako da ocekujete da ga vidite kao redovnu postavku na blogu. Kasnije ove nedelje cu vam reci sta sam naucila od talentovanih Wallis dizajnera Jo and Sital o trendovima za kapute i jakne, pa ne zaboravite da procitate vise o tome za par dana. Kozni sortsevi ne zele da napuste moj garderober, a ja ih obozavam jer se mogu nositi kada malo zahladni, a nisu dosadni kao farmerice i ostala odeca za jesenje vreme. Da bih razbila ovu kombinaciju sa tamnijim bojama izabrala sam bez SaVous sorts i jako mi se dopada kako je otvorio ceo outfit. Ovako nesto mozete nositi uz dzempere, ravnu obucu, stikle, za dan ili noc, sto ga cini “sve u jednom” komadom. Teksas kosulja je dodala malo opusteniju notu kombinaciji jer je ipak u pitanju dan, a ovu Levi’s sam izabrala u McArthurGlen outletu! Nadam se da vam se dopada post, uskoro ce vikend :)
I wore: