I love neutral tones all year round, but lighter shades are usually more worn in summer, and for that reason I decided to bring them to autumn too. I wore this casual outfit for showroom visits, just because I really wanted something comfortable enough for long walks but still pretty. DL1961 jeans are so comfortable, and a cute t shirt just makes an outfit complete. I have so many things to show you, a lot of collections that I have seen lately and videos to edit, but hopefully I will grab some time on Friday for all of it.
Obozavam zamljane tonove i neutralne boje cele godine, a posto se svetlije boje nose uglavnom samo leti, ja sam odlucila da ih prenesem i u jesen. Ovu kombinaciju sam nosila za setnju od jednog do drugog showroom-a, jer sam zelela da na sebi imam nesto udobno za dugacke setnje ali da izgedam lepo. DL1961 farmerice su jako prijatne, a majica sa printom uvek upotpuni kombinaciju. Imam toliko toga da vam pokazem, mnogo novih kolekcija i videa da editujem, tako da se nadam da cu uhvatiti malo vremena u petak za sve to.