We started a week with motivational quotes, so I wanted to keep it up that way. Usually at this time of the year people become a bit more likely to give up on their goals and dreams, just because everything seems a bit harder, days are shorter and automatically we feel slightly bit lazier than normal. That is why I picked this t shirt to remind you all not to give up! Last few months I have been working every single day of the week, as I feel more motivated than ever to make sure nothing suffers due to my lack of time, including the events, blog posts, family, friends and all the other bits that sometimes you have to sacrifice when you feel like you are on a mission. So to get to the point, besides the outfit post, which is fairly simple, yet I love it, you also have an inspirational speech because I want to remind you to stay on your track, not to give up because your goal could be just around the corner. No matter what it is about, make sure to follow your heart to work hard and to enjoy every second of the success that you get, because only you know how hard it was to get it, so keep swimming :)
Zapoceli smo nedelju motivacionim recenicama, pa sam htela tako i da nastavim. Uglavnom u ovo doba godine motivacije nikada dosta, s obzirom da ljudi obicno pocnu da odustaju kada vreme postane hladnije a dani kraci, tako da se automatski ulenjimo. Izabrala sam ovu majicu da vas podsetim da ne odustajete! Poslednjih par meseci radim non stop, 7 dana nedeljno i osecam se motivisanijom nego ikada da odrzim sve svoje obaveze izbalansirane i da blog, dogadjaji, porodica i prijatelji ne ispastaju zbog moje misije. Da predjem na stvar, danas osim outfit posta, koji je veoma jednostavan a u mom fazonu, mozete naci i ovaj monolog u kom zelim da vas podsetim da istrajete na svom putu i da ne odustajete, jer vas uspeh mozda ceka iza coska. Bez obzira o cemu se radi, uvek pratite svoje srce u onome sta ste naumili, radite mnogo ka tome i uzivajte u svakom trenutku svog uspeha jer samo vi znate koliko je trebalo da dodjete do tamo, zato glavu gore i samo napred :)
p.s. talking about not giving up, these photos were taken today, even though the hurricane went crazy, hence the hair all over the place :)
p.s. kad smo kod ne odustajanja, ovo je slikano danas, nisam dozvolila da me uragan zaustavi, ali je zato kosa cupavija nego ikada :)
I wore:
SKIRT-LNA you can find it on ASOS