I remember it like it was yesterday. For 12 years on the first working day of September I would be getting my freshly washed and ironed clothes ready, and after long shower I’d prepare all the books, notebooks, necessary stationery and that very important outfit lined up for the first day of school. My mum never let me go before opening all the taps of water in the house, she would usually as the old superstition commands also spill a glass of water behind me, as I am leaving the house for good luck! First day of school used to be most exciting one, you get to see your friends, talk about what they did whole summer, tell them about your adventures, and also hear about new topics you will be learning this year. Yes, first day of school means that summer is over, but that also means beginning of another amazing year for your development as a person, as a student, as a friend, and a lot of school fashion choices to think about. To all of you starting school tomorrow or in near future I wish the best academic year in every possible way. If you are not a huge fan of school, maybe its time to change that now? Or even if not, I will still be here, every day of the year inspiring you with some different outfits, lifestyle and beauty tricks! Now onto what I wore. Colourful, summer set that screams fun. Couldnt wait to show this cute assemble to you!
Secam se kao da je bilo juce. Dvanaest godina za redom, prvi radni dan septembra je bio identican, izvadila bih iz ormana sveze opranu i ispeglanu odecu i nakon dugog tusiranja poredjala svoje knjige, sveske i neophodan pribor zajedno sa svojim outfitom za prvi dan skole. Mama me nikada nije pustala da krenem dok nije odvrnula sve slavine u kuci, onda bi dok izlazim na vrata prosula za mnom casu vode da sve tece bez problema! Prvi dan skole je uvek bio najuzbudljiviji, vidite svoje prijatelje, slusate o tome sta su radili celo leto, pricate im o svojim avanturama i raspitate se o novim temama koje cete nauciti ove godine. Da, prvi dan skole podrazumeva kraj leta, ali takodje podrazumeva jos jednu godinu u kojoj cete se razviti kao osobe, studenti, prijatelji, i u kojoj cete doneti mnogo modnih odluka.
Svima kojima je sutra prvi dan skole zelim najbolju akademsku godinu do sada, a ako niste veliki ljubitelj skole, mozda je vreme da se to promeni? Ili ako ipak ne, ja cu i dalje biti tu, svaki dan i pokusacu da vas inspirisem svojim outfitima, savetima vezanim za lepotu i stil zivota! A sada je red na kombinaciju. Sareni, letnji set koji je obavezan za zabavan dan. Nisam mogla da docekam da vam ga pokazem na blogu!