12 Sep, 2013

MBFW New York day 6


Day 6 of MBFW is over too. It was a very exciting day, as I got to see Diesel Black Gold and Tory Burch shows as well as J.Crew presentation. Rest of the time I spent strolling around the city, shopping a little bit, as it was about to time to break the shopping ban haha and of course that helicopter ride which you have seen on instagram (@theglamandglitter). I will go into those details in another post. But today check out my striped assemble. Colour blocking and print blocking is a new thing I would say and Im sure this is not the last time you will see me wear it :)

Sesti dan MBFW je takodje gotov. Bio je to veoma uzbudljiv dan za mene, jer sam videla Diesel Black Gold i Tory Burch revije, kao i J.Crew prezentaciju. Ostatak vremena sam provela setajuci po gradu, sopingujuci malo, jer je krajnje vreme da se prekine soping zabrana haha i naravno voznje helikoptrom koje ste videli na instagramu (@theglamandglitter). Vise o tome cete saznati u drugom postu. Danasnji outfit je na prugice plus colour blocing, a to je bas ono sto ja volim. Print i colour blocing, sigurna sam da nije poslednji put da vidite da to nosim :)











Diesel Black Gold

Sophia Kokosalaki pleasantly surprised us all with this collection. With that 90ies flash back I really enjoyed seeing embossed leather mini skirts, with punk rock touch which designer was going for. Of course collection was incredible, but I cant help it but also talk about the location and the whole organisation. As soon as I arrived at Grand Central Station, where the show was held, I know there was going to me a major surprise in the bag for us. The fringe high heeled sandals, prints and the coolness of the whole line is what made me want to have every single piece. All in all 10 out of 10 from me :)


Sophia Kokosalaki nas je sve iznenadila ovom kolekcijom. Osvrnula se na 90. godine u cemu sam ja uzivala, pogotovo kada sam spazila kozne suknje sa punk rock efektom na koji je dizajnerka aludirala. Naravno, kolekcija je bila neverovatna, ali ja ne mogu da ne spomenem lokaciju i celu organizaciju ovog dogadjaja. Cim sam stigla na Grand Central Stanicu gde se revija odrzavala, znala sam da nas ocekuje spektakl. Sandalse sa resama,printovi i cool vibracije ove kolekcije su me totalno osvojile, toliko da zelim svaki komad. Sve u svemu 10 od 10 ocena od mene :)



Tory Burch

Dear Tory Burch, you rock again. This designer is one of my favourite designers of all times. From her gorgeous accessories that are as long living as beautiful they are, to her ready to wear. Just look at these photos above, designs rich with print, feminine cut and the elegance. Something I would love to wear holidaying in France or Spain, that gorgeous Audrey Hepburn feel which I find so irresistible.

Draga Tory Birch, opet si samu sebe nadmasila. Ova kreatorka je jdna od mojih omiljenih svih vremena. Od savrsenih baletanki i torbi koje su zaista vecne, do njene “ready to wear” kolekcije. Samo pogledajte fotografije iznad, kreacije bogate printom, zenstveno secene, koje odizu elegancijom. Nesto sto bih volela da nosim na putovanju u Francuskoj ili Spaniji. Cinjenica da cela kolekcija ima blagi Audrey Hepburn utisak mi je cini jos neodoljivijom.




J Crew

J.Crew is another one i really love. Florals, stipes, all white looks, gorgeous casual yet feminine looks which are something I can see Olivia Palermo wearing very shortly. Tom Mora was inspired partly by Californias surf culture, and I love that vibe. These four were my absolute favourites, and I must have them, sooner or later. Who doesnt want the white trousers like this??

J.Crew je jos jedna prezentacija koja mi se jako jako dopala. Cvetni uzorci, bele kombinacije, prelep udoban, ali zenstven dizajn, kao i modeli za koje sam sigurna da ce Olivia Palermo uskoro nosii. Tom Mora je inspirisan kulturom i nacinom zivota u Kaliforniji a ja obozavam taj uticaj. Ove 4 kombinacije su moje omiljene i moram ih imati, pre ili kasnije. Da li postoji iko ko ne zeli ove bele pantalone?

photo credit: style.com
I wore: