I think I can easily say that this was my favourite collection of the fashion week, and Michael Kors has outdone himself completely. One of my all time favourite designers made a beautiful Spring collection full of earthy tones, sets, linen pieces and flattering short suits. Four looks pictured above are what I want in my wardrobe right now, but without being humble, the whole collection is a wardrobe dream, and I am 100% sure you will agree with me. Tailored, smart and sexy, nothing less expected from this fashion genius.
Slobodno mogu reci da je ova kolekcija moja omiljena od svih koje sam videla ovog fashion week-a. Michael Kors je nadmasio sam sebe. Jedan od mojih omiljenih dizajnera svih vremena kreirao je kolekciju punu zemljanih tonova, kompleta, lanenih komada i prelepih kratkih odela. Cetiri kombinacije koje mozete videti iznad zelim odmah u svom garderoberu, mada je realnost da zelim celu kolekciju, ali se trudim biti skromna hehe. Elegantne, sjajno krojene kombinacije, atraktivni komadi su upravo ono sto se ocekuje od ovog modnog genija.
Every collection of this designer gets me so impressed and surprised, because I really dont know where he gets all the ideas from. The use of leather and mixing of materials is present in Brandon Sun SS14 collection, and I am completely crazy about them. I am still hunting down his AW13, which is incredible, but I have already noted down some of these pieces for my wish list.
Svaka kolekcija ovog dizajnera me iznenadi jer se zapitam kako je dosao na ideju da napravi bas ovo. Upotreba koze i mesanje materijala je svugde prisutna u Brandon Sun SS14 kolekciji, a ja sam naprosto poludela za ovim komadima. I dalje sam u potragom za nekim njegovim AW13 dizajnima, koji su neverovatni, ali sam zabelezila i neke od SS14 komada na svoju listu zelja.

Every season I get super excited when it comes to Nanette Lepore, as she makes perfect and for me wearable clothes. As you can see her SS14 was filled with floaty silhouettes, and it was all about romanticism done in modern way, like the talented designer said. Jumpsuits, suits, little playful sets, all those things I would normally wear during spring and summer made sure that I love the show and all the natural material used for the collection. I think Nanette Lepore is amazing, and her career is just about to become even bigger, so keep an eye on her ;)
Svake sezone se posebno radujem modnoj reviji Nanette Lepor, s obzirom da ona za mene licno dizajnira najnosiviju odecu. Kao sto vidite njena SS14 kolekcija je ispunjena leprsavim komadima, a dizajnerka je rekla da je tema moderni romantizam. Kombinezoni, odela, setovi, stvari koje ja obozavam da nosim leti su razlog da mi se kolekcija jos vise dopadne. Mislim da je Nanette Lepore neverovana i da ce njena karijera zaista zablistati, zato obratite paznju na ovu talentovanu diajnerku.