10 Jul, 2013

Wimbledon Experience


This year I was so lucky to get a chance to go to Wimbledon. Thanks to John Lewis, I received a new Sony Cyber-Shot DSC HX50 camera, and went to capture all the fun moments from the courts and Henman Hill. I find Wimbledon very exciting and inspiring, and since I had a chance to go, I wanted to use this camera to capture all the moments and in a way take you with me. The camera I normally use for my photo shoots is very heavy, and inconvenient for events like this, which makes this little photo wizard my new best friend on the go. Clubbing, travelling, or events, it fits in every clutch, and produces professional photos. I will let you judge the footage and the pictures, of course, but I highly recommend it to all of you who are looking for something good, small, with HD filming and of course that amazing 30x optical zoom :). I wore something comfortable and felt like everything was so convenient, gorgeous day and great tennis. The spirit of this tournament inspired me so much. To get to play at Wimbledon, you really have to work hard, to be one in a million, if not even in 10 million, as these players were best of the best. I always find success so inspiring, and seeing how hard successful people work, makes me wanna work even harder. I hope you enjoy this post, as its slightly different. Remember, If you want to be better than everyone else, you need to work harder then them too.

Ove godine sam imala tu srecu da odem na Wimbledon. Zahvaljujuci John Lewisu dobila sam novi Sony Cyber-Shot DSC HHX50 foto aparat i otisla da za vas ugrabim sve lepe trenutke za teniskih terena i Henman Hill-a. Smatram da je Wimbledon jako uzbudljiv i za mene predstavlja veliku inspiraciju, a posto sam imala priliku da odem, ovom kamerom sam zabelezila neke momente pomocu kojih cete se i vi osecati kao da ste bili. Foto aparat koji obicno koristim je prilicno tezak i nepraktican za ovako nesto, tako da je mali Sony carobnjak bio moj najbolji prijatelj u pokretu. Izlasci, putovanja ili razni dogadjaji, sve ce biti zabelezeno, mozda cak i iz moje pismo tasnice. Sami cete presuditi sta mislite o fotografijama, ali ako trazite nesto malo, kvalitetno sa opcijom HD snimanja i naravno 30 puta zumom, onda je to to.  Kao sto mozete videti obukla sam nesto udobno i lezerno za ovu avanturu. Moram priznati da me duh ovog turnira jako inspirise. Da biste igrali na Wimbledon-u morate biti jedan od najboljih igraca sveta, da budete jedan u milion, ako ne jedan u deset miliona, jer su ovi igraci najbolji od najboljih. Uspeh me uvek motivise, a kada vidim koliko naporno ovi sportisti svakodnevno rade, pozelim da radim jos vise ka svojim ciljevima. Nadam se da uzivate u ovom postu, koji je malo drugaciji od ostalih i ne zaboravite, ako zelite da budete bolji od ostalih, morate se truditi jace i vise nego oni.

All filmed and shot with Sony Cyber-Shot DSC


As you can see in the photos below, the quality of the pictures is extremely good, that is due to 20.4 megapixel, and the advanced lens it comes with. My friends who were taking photos are by no means professionals (sorry guys its true haha), but they found this camera so easy to use, and we brought you this post together. From now on, I will be carrying this gadget to all events in my handbag, and that should provide you with even more blog posts from various occasions, and fun days out.

Kao sto vidite na slikama ispot, kvalitet slika je neverovatno dobar, a to je zato sto kamera ima 20.4 megapixela, i objektiv sirokog ugla. Moji dragi prijatelji koji su me slikali svakako nisu profesionalci(haha nemojte se ljutiti, ali tako je) , ali im je ova kamera bila jako jednostavna za koriscenje. Planiram da je nosim na razne dogadjaje, jer je mnogo prakticnija, tako da ce biti jos vise postova za vas, sa raznih modnih izleta.











I wore: