And the last outfit from Mallorca is here. I am sad to be back in Brighton, but really excited to sleep in my bed, to relax, and catch up with normal life :) After breakfast in Brondo Architect hotel, we left to Puerto Portals, this absolutely gorgeous glitzy marina in the south coast of Mallorca. Our last day was very relaxing, but also full of exciting things. I spent the best few days of my summer on this amazing island, thanks to CommercePeople, and its only the beginning of our story together. For the occasion I picked an Asos dress from this post, and some salmon coloured details, something I like to wear for a day, because its quite neutral,but the details really stand out.
Nasa avantura na ovom Belearskom ostrvu se privela kraju. Zao mi je sto sam vec nazad u Engleskoj, ali sam srecna sto opet spavam u mom krevetu, vreme je da se odmorim i nastavim sa normalnim zivotom :) Nakon dorucka u Brondo Architect hotelu, otisli smo do Puero Portals mesta, fenomenalne luke na juznoj obali Majorke. Poslednji dan putovanja je bio posvecen relaksaciji, ali je i dalje bio uzbudljiv. Ovi dani su mi bili jedni od najlepsih ovog leta, zahvaljujuci CommercePeople timu, ali to je tek pocetak nase zajednicke price. Kombinacija veoma letnja, Asos haljina iz ovog posta, i detalji boje lososa,nesto sto volim danosim leti, jer je kombinacija neutralna, opustena, ali sa upecatljivim detaljima.