Hola Mallorca! After 11 years we meet again. Catching flight at 5am meant I didn’t have a minute of sleep, but once we arrived to this beautiful island, I was full of energy, hypnotised with smell of the sea, beautiful palm tree lined avenues, and amazing food. Everything is so easy going, even in the capital, Palma, but on the first day of my adventure with CommercePeople, we made a little trip to Pollença, a small town on the north of the island, full of narrow streets, and houses from 17th and 18th century.
As I am in love with every corner of Spain anyway, I thought it was impossible to love it even more, but I was wrong, the festivals, mentality and the slow food and slow fashion movement made me enjoy the atmosphere even more. I went there for a little project, which you will find about soon, but all I am gonna say is that this pharmacist is back in the lab, making something personal, that I was thinking about ever since I learned some principles of different formulations. As soon as we make it perfect you will know more about it, but now, I will let you enjoy in these pictures and join me on this adventure. I opted for an easy, silk S.I.L.K. dress, and comfy Jimmy Choo sandals. To spice it all up, I accessoriesed with some dainty rings and my mr.boho sunnies.
Hola Mallorca! Susrecemo se opet nakon 11 godina. Uhvatila sam let u 5 ujutru, sto znaci da nisam imala ni minut sna, ali cim sam stigla na ovo prelepo ostrvo bila sam prepuna energije i hipnotisana mirisom mora, neverovatnom hranom i avenijama punim palmi. Sve je veoma opusteno, cak i u glavnom gradu, Palmi, ali prvi dan nase avanture sa CommercePeople timom, otputovali smo do Pollençe, malog grada na severu, prepunog uskih ulica i kuca iz 17. i 18. veka. S obzirom da sam vec zaljubljena u svaki cosak Spanije, mislila sam da je nemoguce voleti je jos vise, ali nisam bila u pravu, jer festivali, mentalitet i pokret “spore hrane” kao i “spore mode” naterali su me da uzivam na ovom ostrvu jos vise. Svrha putovanja je jedan projekat, o kojem cete vise saznati uskoro, ali vam mogu reci da je farmaceut opet u laboratoriji, tamo pravim nesto posebno, licno, o cemu sam razmisljala i sanjala sve od prvog dana kada sam naucila o formulacijama. Cim sve ovo bude zavrseno po mojim standardima i principima otkricu vam vise, ali sada uzivajte u fotografijama i pridruzite mi se na putovanju. Odlucila sam se za svilenu S.I.L.K. haljinu i udobne Jimmy Choo sandale. Kombinacija je zacinjena prstenovima i mojim mr.boho suncanim naocarima.
I wore;