I never owned a long jumpsuit, until Gorgeous Couture approached me, and offered me anything from their website. When I saw it, I wasn’t sure if its going to look right, but when I tried it on, it was love on first sight. I couldn’t believe how elegant and sexy a one piece can look. The Swarovski crystals on the back, and smartness of colour black make it perfect for nights out, but also with a blazer on, you can use it for a day outfit. I decided to go for a simple monochrome look, just to outline the beauty of the jumpsuit itself. I am now looking for a printed one, for casual day looks. What do you think? Long jumpsuits, yes or no?
Nikada nisam imala dugi kombinezon, sve dok me PR sluzbenici Gorgeous Couture-a nisu kontaktirali i ponudili bilo sta sa njihovog sajta. Od svih haljina, ja sam izabrala kombinezon i kada sam ga videla nisam bila sigurna sta da ocekujem, ali cim sam ga obukla, istog trenutka sam se zaljubila u njega. Nisam mogla da verujem da nesto iz jednog dela moze da bude elegantno i sexy u isto vreme. Swarovski kristali i crna boja ga cine savrsenim za izlaske, ali ako obucete sako preko, mozete ga nositi i po danu, za formalnije prilike. Odlucila sam se za monohromatski, jednostavan izgled, da bih istakla lepotu kombinezona. Sada sam u potrazi za jednim sarenim, sa nekim dobrim printom. Sta vi mislite? Dugacki kombinezoni, da ili ne?
I wore: