Think about an achievement you’ve made this year. Something that makes you really proud. Now think about the way you celebrated, did you tell yourself well done, did you raise a glass to yourself with a smile for future achievements? Well this post is about that. I have noticed that people are more likely to dwell about things they haven’t done right than to celebrate the success, and thats the wrong way around. Focus on all the good things you have done and celebrate every success to motivate yourself to become even better. If you see other people who are doing something good, let them know, and dont forget, we all make mistakes, but there is no point focusing on them, and wasting valuable energy that we can use for more important projects. This year has been really good for Glam and Glitter, and for that reason I decided to celebrate, to smile and to share some love with you, my amazing readers! Cheers to all of our successes!
Razmislite koji je to najveci uspeh koji ste postigli ove godine? Nesto na sta ste jako ponosni. Sada razmislite na koji nacin ste proslavili, da li ste sami sebi cestitiali i da li ste nazdravili svojim uspesima i nasmesili se ostvarenju daljih ciljeva? Ovaj post je iskljucivo o tome. Primetila sam da se ljudi radije kaju oko stvari koje nisu ostvarili, nego da slave stvari koje su dobro uradili i mislim da je to pogresno. Koncentrisite se na ostvarene golove i proslavite svaki uspeh da bi sebe motivisali da postanete jos bolji. Ako vidite druge ljude koji su uspesni u necemu, recite im to i ne zaboravite da svi mi pravimo greske, ali da nema svrhe trositi svu svoju energiju na njih, jer bi je mogli iskoristiti ka sledecem cilju. Ova godina je bila fenomenalna za Glam and Glitter, iz tog razloga sam odlucila da slavim, da se smejem i da podelim ljubav sa vama, mojim dragim citateljima! Nazdravljam svim nasim uspesima!