1 Jun, 2013

This, that and Hello June


Woah, its already June, its scary how fast the time goes by, but its also exciting in a weird kinda way. May went by really fast, as it was so much fun, but I think June will go even faster, as I have so many exciting things planned( as I am writing this post from work, everything just seems super exciting haha). So this post is partially outfit post, but also you get to see a little sneak a peak of Bershka PreFall13 collection, as well as the Marks and Spencers AW collection that will be hitting the shops at the end of the summer. As it happens that I am in quite a chatty mood, I will also tell you about all the things I loved in May, ah maybe we should start :)

Woa, vec je jun, zastrasujuce je kako vreme brzo leti, ali opet na neki cudan nacin i uzbudljivo. Maj je proleteo, jer je bio jako zabavan mesec, ali se bojim da ce jun jos brze proci, s obzirom da imam mnogo toga isplanirano( mada meni koja vam pisem ovo sa posla, mnogo toga trenutno deluje uzbudljivo haha). Tako da ovaj post je delom outfit post, ali drugim delom mozete videti Jesenje kolekcije Bershke i Marks and Spencers-a koji ce biti u prodaji krajem leta. Ispod slika mozete naci i mali spisak stvari koje su me posebno usrecile u maju :)


Bershka has on offer a lot of monochrome jumpers, jackets and cute cardies, as well as some girly stuff, like floral jackets, embellished tops and similar. In the photos you can see my favourite collection pieces.

Bershka je spremila za nas mnogo monohromatskih dzempera, jakni i ogrtaca, kao i cvetnih uzoraka, girly modela majica i kaputica. Na slikama mozete videti neke od mojih omiljenih komada ove kolekcije.


Marks and Spencers showed us their collection in style. You guys who follow me on instagram (@theglamandglitter) already saw some pieces, and the astonishing catwalk they prepared. I absolutely loved the show, and the collection which was very much Carrie Bradshaw chic, but winter edition. A lot of drama, darkness, edginess mixed with good old classics is exactly what you should be expecting this Autumn.

Marks and Spencers nam je predstavio svoju kolekciju sa stilom. Ako me pratite na instagramu (@theglamandglitter) verovatno ste vec videli neke od komada, kao i neverovatnu reviju koju su nam pripremili. Revija je zasenila sve ostalo, a kolekcija ostavila utisak Keri Bredsou zimskog garderobera. Mnogo drame, tamnih boja, misterije mesane sa klasicnim modelima su ono sto cete videti u buticima ove jeseni.



And as I am missing my girl Tali’s favourites, I loved:
Shopping for a bikini, New Lavazza Coffee Machine, My Prada Saffiano Tote(fits everything), Lipsy VIP Awards Party, Getting nominated for Company Blog Awards, Denim Jacket, Once Upon a Time, Iron Man 3, Victoria’s Secret Coconut Passion, Barcelona, Fennel Tea, My new Ray Bans, Granola,
Dior Pearl Lipgloss in Bow.

I wore: