With time for Africa coming slowly to an end, I really wanted to share another evening look with you. Some of you asked me where I wear these dressy outfits on a resort holiday, and I mainly wear them for dinner or cocktails. There are 5 different restaurants all together in Riu Touareg, and we tried them all. On this occasion we ate in Asian restaurant, and I picked a comfy white dress to compliment my tan and some pops of colour. Happy Monday my gorgeous followers, prepare for some more outfits and summer posts, I will be back from Cape Verde only for one day, and a new trip awaits shortly, I promise ;)
Nas provod u Africi se privodi kraju, ali sam zelela da sa vama podelim jos koju vecernju kombnaciju. Pitali ste me gde idem kada se ovako obucem na odmoru i uglavnom su u pitanju kokteli ili vecera. U Riu Touareg hotelu ima 5 restorana, a ja sam ih sve obisla. Ovu kombinaciju sam obukla za odlazak u Azijski restoran, bela, udobna haljina i naravno malo dodataka boje, da lepse istaknu novi ten. Srecan ponedeljak svim mojim dragim pratiocima, spremite se za jos letnje inspiracije, vracam se sa Zelenortskih Ostrva na samo jedan dan, zbog posla, a onda nas ceka sledece putovanje, obecavam ;)