25 Jun, 2013

Fun in the Sun

First photo was taken when we just arrived, so before any sunbathing, hence I thought I’d tell you how I prepare my skin for fun in the sun! I already mentioned that I do not suggest using any SPF below 30. That of course does not mean you wont tan, its just means that it would take you 30 times longer to burn, than it would if you were not to use the sun protection. Likewise using SPF 10 wont mean you will tan better, it just means you need more bottles, and you need to re-apply it more frequently which for me is not a good idea, because I like to play water sports, sometimes even nap on the sun lounge, so I dont like to think about it all the time.
Also if you feel particularly lazy on your summer holiday, and don’t like reapplying SPF every time you are out of water, then go for the waterproof version, even better if its oil in spray, as its so much easier to apply, just spray it around, and you dont have to rub too much!
You will always tan better by the water, but dont mistake spending time in the water as a “sunblock option”. Reason behind this is in fact that water reflects sun rays, and you are more exposed than if you were not to be in the water (Be aware if on a floaty, use sun cream).
So before you leave for  holiday, make sure you have exfoliated skin and taken off any dead cells, as otherwise you are more likely to start peeling towards the end(good old baby oil and kitchen salt are great for this), apply sun cream 20 minutes before you get out in the sun, and remember to reapply. Using just oil, without SPF is exactly the same as not using anything! If you tend to forget to re-apply, maybe you should check out this new App for smartphones called Nevus, once you put all the details in it, it reminds you when to reapply the lotion in order to tan, but not burn! Its also crucial to use SPF on your lips, so try to find a lip balm that is appropriate.

 If you have any moles, make sure to cover them with a small plaster or so, as they can be extremely sensitive to sun light. Now enjoy the sun responsibly, and look gorgeous with that tan, without any regrets!
My favourite SPFs are: Garnier, Piz Buin (just in 30), Lancome and Nivea

Prva slika je slikana tek kada smo stigli na Zelenortska Ostrva, dakle pre nego sto smo poceli sa suncanjem, tako da sam odlucila da je sacuvam za post na temu kako da pripremite svoju kozu za izlganje suncu. Vec sam spomenula da ne predlazem nikako koriscenje losiona za zastitnim fasktorom ispod 30. Ovo naravno ne znaci da necete pocrneti, samo znaci da ce vam trebati 30 puta duze vremena da pocnete da gorite na suncu, nego obicno. Takodje faktor 10 ne znaci da cete bolje pocrneti, samo znaci da ce vam trebati veca kolicina kreme i da cete je morati cesce nanositi, sto za mene licno nije resenje, jer volim da budem bezbrizna na suncu, da se bavim sportom i ponekad cak da odspavam u vreme kasnog popodnevnog sunca. Ukoliko vas mrzi da kremu nanosite vise puta dnevno, kao i svaki put kada izadjete iz vode, kupite vodootpornu verziju, pomogucnosti ulje, u spreju, koje se jednostavno nanosi i ne zahteva mnogo utrljavanja!
Pored vode se uvek brze crni, tako da nemojte mislite da ste u vodi zasticeni te da necete goreti. Voda zapravo odbija sunceve zrake i time ste vi (pored obale ili na povrsini) vise izlozeni (pogotovo budite pazljivi na duseku, nanesite zastitni faktor dodatno).
Pre nego sto odete na godisnji odmor, uradite dobar piling, da biste uklonili mrtve celije, jer ovo sprecava kasnije ljustenje(baby ulje i kuhinjska so cine odlican piling), nanesite kremu bar 20 minuta pre nego sto izadjete na sunce i ne zaboravite da to ponovite nekoliko puta dnevno.
Koriscenje samo ulja bez zastitnog faktora nema smisla i jednako je kao da nista ne koristite. Ako umete da zaboravite da nanesete kremu, pogledajte novu aplikaciju za telefone Nevus, koja kada ukucate sve detalje moze da vas upozori tacno kada je potrebno kremu opet naneti.  Adekvatna zastita usana od sunca je takodje bitna, u obliku nekog labela sa SPF zastitnim faktorom.
Ukoliko imate neke mladeze, nemojte zaboraviti da ih prekrijete flasterom, jer oni mogu biti posebno osetljivi. Sada uzivajte na suncu, odgovorno i izgledajte savrseno sa divnom letnjom bojom bez bilo kakvog kajanja!
Moje omiljene kreme za suncanje su:
Garnier, Piz Buin (just in 30) , Lancome i Nivea








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