15 Jun, 2013

At the pool bar


As promised the second post for today is here. And you  remember from yesterdays post I said you dont have to buy new clothes to look stylish at the pool? Well, here is another example, a simple white shorts that I wore before, in combination with completely crazy sequinned cardigan make perfect outfit for the beach/pool party. I love how the gold sequins matched yellow and orange bikini, as gold compliments warm toned colours. I had so much fun in the pool bar, cocktails, coffee, music, entertainment, all of this with the sound of water, pool lounges and the view on Riu Touareg Hotel which looks like a sand fortress. Morning coffee is so important to me, and I am so happy I can continue this new tradition, as I did back home with my favourite Lavazza coffee. I will be going home in couple a days, but I really hope you find these posts inspiring, and if there are some other beach related stuff you want to see, let me know :)

Kao sto sam obecala drugi post je tu. Secate se da sam rekla kako nije potrebno trositi novce da bi na plazi izgledali sjajno? Tu je jos jedan primer, moj stari, beli sorts sa ovim ogrtacem od zlatnih sljokica izgleda odlicno za plazu ili bazen. Jako mi se dopada kako je ogrtac dosao do izrazaja sa narandzasto/zutim bikinijem, jer zlatno ide odlicno uz tople tonove. Odlicno sam se zabavila u baru u bazenu, kokteli, kafa, muzika, program, sve ovo uz umirujuci zvuk vode i pogled na Riu Touareg Hotel koji izgleda kao kula od peska. Jutarnja kafa mi je jako bitna i presrecna sam da mogu nastaviti sa mojom tradicijom, kao i kod kuce sa Lavazza kafom. Uskoro idem kuci, ali se nadam da su vas ovi postovi malo inspirisali i ako vas zanimaju jos neki saveti za odlazak na more, slobodno napisite ispod :)





Riu Touareg.






Riu Touareg


I wore:
BIKINI-H AND M (current season)