I can’t help it but admit that I’m a nerd, and not just that but I get so impressed by all the history, and culture of every city I visit. I took a whole day to revisit all the works of Antoni Gaudi and did not mind at all walking for around 8 hours. Even though I saw all of these before, and know a lot about his life and inspiration, I couldn’t resist it all over again, with audio guide explaining it in detail. Sorry about the photo overload, even though I tried, it was impossible to narrow it down to fewer photos. There is something mysterious and so interesting behind every single piece here that I cant help but come back every year.
Da, priznajem da sam streber i ne samo to, nego me u svakom gradu koji posetim pored svega najvise impresionira istorija i kultura koja se gradila vekovima. Trebao mi je ceo dan da posetim omiljene gradjevine Antoni Gaudija i uopste mi nije bio problem da setam preko 8 sati. Iako sam sve ove vec videla ranije i dobro poznajem pricu iza svakog dela, odlucila sam da ih moram opet videti, sve uz audio u kom su zanimljivosti detaljno objasnjene. Nadam se da vam ne smeta prevelik broj slika, ali jednostavno nisam mogla da se odlucim koje da postavim, tako da ih je tu vecina. Ima nesto misteriozno i zanimljivo iza svakog dela ovde, da ne mogu a da se ne vratim svake godine.
Za sve ljubitelje knjige “Senka Vetra”, ovo je ispred crkve svete Ane
Plaza Real
Crkva svete Ane
I wore: