I simply adore stripes, and I think they are just perfect for a holiday. Today I had a meeting here, so decided to wear jeans, and make a perfect holiday/work balance. These Zara jeans were “special price” ones, so if you are looking for a good, affordable pair, check them out. We have already seen most of the attractions, and I will show you that in one of the next posts. There is something about Spain that makes me want to stay here forever.
Obozavam pruge i mislim da su sjajne za godisnji odmor. Danas je na nasem rasporedu bio i jedan sastanak, tako da sam se odlucila za farmerice i time napravila super balans izmedju poslovnog i opustenog outfita. Ove Zara farmerice su iz “special price” kolekcije, pa ako trazite dobar,pristupacan model boyfriend dzinsa, pogledajte tamo. Vec smo stigli da vidimo neke od mojih omiljenih atrakcija, ali to cet e videti tek u narednim postovima. Ima nesto posebno ovde, zbog cega zelim da zivim u Spaniji, ali ko zna.