Before todays outfit post, I wanted to give you a little recap of my instagram photos. I love showing you little pieces from my everyday life trough these posts, and you can follow my instagram account (@theglamandglitter) HERE.
Pre danasnje kombinacije htela sam da sa vama podelim i ove instagram slicice. Obozavam kada ste i vi deo moje svakodnevnice, zato zelim da vas ukljucim na svaki moguci nacin. Mozete me pratiti (@theglamandglitter) OVDE
1.Whats in my bag 2.Diet waffle, frozen yoghurt and fruits
3.Orange, oraaangeeeee 4.Yummiest dessert ever
5.Face of the day 6.Doing work at tea time
7.Healthy dinner 8.Bored waiting for my sister
9.Morning routine, coffee and emails 10.Breakfast
11.New dress 12.Ready to shoot
13.Sitting in the wardrobe 14.Collage for details
15.Spring cleaning, organising 16.Detox juices
17.Detox day 2 18.Details make an outfit
19.Working and FB page 20Pink mojito and pink iPad