5 May, 2013

Futuristic Fashion

three floor dress, cut out, dress, night out, what to wear

Another dressy outfit. Definitely not casual, but I couldn’t wait anymore to show of this gorgeous Three Floor dress. I love how all Three Floor dresses have some interesting detailing, cut outs, and little peekaboo moments. As soon as the postman brought it to my door I started waiting for a perfect moment to wear it, and that was today. Piping in the middle, and collar colour perfectly matched my TopShop heels, and then I just roughed it up with my good old leather jacket. This could be a perfect outfit for going out, or some sort of celebration. I would also like to say a HUGE THANK YOU, to all of your feedback, I am so happy that you guys enjoyed watching the video from previous post and it makes me so motivated to film even more!

U danasnjem postu mozete me videti u malo sredjenijem izdanju. Svakako ne nesto opusteno, ali nisam mogla da docekam da vam pokazem ovu Three Floor haljinu. Jako mi se dopadaju Three Floor haljine, jer su ukrasene interesantnim detaljima, pune su nekih isecaka i dodataka. Od momenta kada mi je postar doneo paket, haljina je cekala na pravi trenutak da je obucem i to je konacno bilo danas. Zeleni sav u sredini se odlicno slagao sa mojim TopShop cipelama, a onda sam na to dodala i koznu jaknu kao kontrast. Ovo bi mogao biti odlican outfit za izlazak ili neku proslavu. Takodje bih zelela da kazem veliko HVALA svima vama koji ste komentarisali prethodni video i koji ste rekli da vam se jucerasnji post mnogo dopao. To mi svakako daje motivaciju da jos snimam!

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three floor dress, chanel bag, topshop shoes

louis vuitton earrings,

three floor dress, chanel bag, topshop shoes, top blogs, outfit,
three floor dress, gorgeous outfit, chanel
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prom dress, what to wear for a night out, how to wear, outfit, post, blog post,

outfit, post, topshop, dress, night outfit, party outfit, dress

I wore: