Something laid-back I would wear for a casual lunch. This time it was my favourite sushi place in Brighton, mixed with a drive past the seafront. Everything looks so much better when the sun is shining. You still have a few days to vote for Glam and Glitter in Company Blog Awards, so if you wanted you can still do that HERE on pages 5 and 7. Thank you everyone for your lovely comments, messages and all the support.
Opusteni outfit za neplanirani rucak u gradu. Ovaj put smo isli u moj omiljeni sushi restoran u Brajtonu, a posle toga uzivali u voznji pored prelepog mora. Sve izgleda mnogo lepse kada sunce sija. Jos uvek mozete glasati za Glam and Glitter na strani 5 i strani 7 Company Blog Awards OVDE. Hvala vam svima za predivne komentare, poruke i podrsku koju mi svakodnevno pruzate.