One of the most common questions on the blog is how do I take photos or film videos without feeling weird, or getting peoples attention, and this question always makes me laugh. The reality is, I film videos and take photos in busy roads and places with a lot of people passing by, but I really dont mind. I often get a comment, occasionally a compliment and sometimes weird stares, which dont bother me at all. After all Im just doing my job. The other day I got ready to capture this outfit, and my sister thought I looked like a bit of a biker chick. I thought on the other hand its quite girly. When I took the outfit photos, all of sudden a group of bikers appeared out of nowhere and offered me a ride. Haha, so much for just minding my own business when taking photos, and not looking like a biker chick. One of the bikers climbed up on the pavement where I was taking photos and this photo shoot ended up in me and my sister laughing so much about it. I guess the outfit really has a bit of a biker chick vibe, even though I thought it was spot on girly :)Cesto me pitate kako se slikam na ulici ili snimam videe bez da se osecam cudno ili da me ljudi gledaju. Ovo pitanje me uvek nasmeje. Istina je da se slikam i snimam videe na ulicama prepunim ljudi i na to uopste ne obracam paznju. Cesto cujem po neki komentar, ponekad kompliment ili iscudjeni pogled, ali se time uopste ne opterecujem. Na kraju krajeva ja samo radim svoj posao. Pre neki dan sestra mi je rekla da izgledam kao neka “biker chick” u ovom outfitu, na sta saam ja odmahnula rukom i nisam se slozila. Kada smo pocele slikanje, odjednom se pored nas stvorila grupa motorista koji su nam ponudili prevoz. Haha, toliko o tome da outfit nije uopste u bajkerskom fazonu. Sestra i ja nismo mogle da verujemo kada se u kadru iza mene pojavio jedan motorista, sve na trotoaru i pocele smo da se smejemo. Ocigledno je kombinacija mnogo vise bajkerska nego sto sam ja mislila, mada je ja ne bih tako nazvala, za mene je ovo i dalje girly :)
I wore: