19 Apr, 2013

Varsity jacket and Boyfriend jeans

You asked for more posts with boyfriend jeans, and more posts with varsity jacket, so when I wore them together the other day I had to take few pictures, and show you the end result. This sort of style looks great with smart heels to make the whole look a bit more grown up, but also if you have a bit smarter event to attend, loose the jacket and the hat, and voila you have a completely different outfit. I love these jeans, as they are so comfy and still somehow not too wide on my legs, that I do look like a girl (I think). What is your take on mixing boyfriend jeans, and potentially a jacket too? Are we slowly moving in out stronger halves’ wardrobes? I say why not :)
Trazili ste jos postova sa boyfriend farmericama i jos postova sa koledz jaknom, tako da kada sam ovo dvoje uparila morala sam napraviti i koju fotografiju, da vam pokazem rezultat. U ovom slucaju stikle su bile neophodne, da izvade kombinaciju i ucine je malo “odraslijom”, ali isto tako ako idete na neki dogadjaj u toku dana, skinite jaknu i kapu da dobijete moderan, ali cool outfit, totalno drugaciji od pocetnog. Obozavam ove farmerice jer su jako udobne, ali opet nisu presiroke, tako da i dalje izgledam kao devojka (bar mi se cini). Sta vi mislite o kombinovanju boyfriend farmerica i jakne? Da li se polako selimo u ormane nasih jacih polovina? Ja kazem, sto da ne, sve dok to izgleda bar malo zenstveno :)

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I wore: