Colour blocking is one of my favourite trends, well possibly ever. And even though there was a huge controversy in wearing two similar colours before such as pink and orange, or pink and red now its one of my favourite colour combos. With the first sign of sun I took out my new Valentino shoes, out of the box, and paired them with some bold colours. I put my hair in a high pony tail, as wind was messing it up, and matched the trousers colour to my lipstick. I really wonder what you think about colour blocking, and what colours you love mixing the most?
Colour blocking je jedan od mojih omiljenih trendova, mozda cak ikada. Iako je mesanje slicnih boja poput narandzaste i crvene ili pink i crvene ranije bilo veliko “ne, nikako”, te kombinacije su sada moje najdraze. Sa prvim zrakom sunca izvadila sam iz kutije moje nove Valentino cipele i uparila ih sa nekim jacim bojama. Kosu sam podigla u rep zbog vetra, a na usne stavila karmin koji je idealno isao uz pantalone. Bas me zanima sta vi mislite o colour blockingu i koje boje najvise volite da mesate?