10 Apr, 2013

New In



After seeing some of my latest Instagram (@theglamandglitter) photos from shopping, you asked me to make a post with all the recent purchases. I don’t always do this, as you end up seeing these purchases in my following posts anyway, but as I realised most of my new stuff is white, beige or really summery I thought I will make a New In post. Don’t forget to come back later for the outfit post featuring some of these gorgeous pieces.
Nakon sto ste na mom Instagramu (@theglamandglitter) videli poslednje slike iz kupovine, trazili ste da pokazem sta se to nalazi u kesama. Ne radim cesto ovakve postove, jer svakako pokazem nove stvari u kombinacijama koje slede, ali kada sam videla da je vecina novih stvari bela, krem ili veoma letnja shvatila sam da moram da napisem New In post. Ne zaboravite da se vratite u toku dana, jer sledi post sa nekim od ovih komada.

1.Valentino Shoes
2.Prada Saffiano Tote
3.Ralph Lauren Jumper (thanks to McArthur Glen Outlet)
4.Panasonic Lumix XS1(thanks to Panasonic)
5.White Zara Tops and White DL1961 jeans (thanks to Sojeans)
6.YSL Rouge Volupte 19 and red