27 Apr, 2013

Keep Calm and Stay Comfy

dolce and gabbana sunglasses
A bit of a silly post title today, just because the outfit is very casual, and carefree. I wore it recently for Brighton to London journey, as I wanted to stay comfortable and look nice. These biker boots have became my staple and I live in them pretty much three seasons of the year, but in combination with this jacket they just make so much more sense. This is for me a best outfit for long car journeys, and all I do to change it from time to time is change the top, or accessories. What is your favourite car journey outfit?Danasnji naslov vam je vec mozda otkrio da ce outfit biti opusten i udoban. Ovo je nesto sto obucem kada putujem iz Brajtona za London i obrnuto, posto uvek zelim da mi je udobno, a da izgledam lepo. Ove bajkerske cizme su postale neophodne u mojoj kolekciji,  nosim ih skoro cela tri godisnja doba, a u kombinaciji sa ovom jaknom posebno dolaze do izrazaja. Za mene je ova kombinacija idealna za duza putovanja autom i svaki put nosim nesto na ovaj fazon, ali promenim majicu ili nakit. U cemu vi najvise volite da putujete i da li imate neku posebnu kombinaciju kojoj se uvek vracate?

outfit post, casual, travel
prada saffiano tote lux large
dolce and gabbana limited edition sunglasses
casual travel outfit
casual travelling in style
outfit of the day, blogger
perfect day outfit for school
balenciaga bracelet
school outfit
what to wear to school
what to wear to schoolI wore:


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