Sometimes mixing more than one current trend can seem a bit over the top, but trust me it can also look amazing. In this post I am showing you how to mix leather, stripes and print. Stripes are such a cool and easy print to mix with other prints to make the whole mixing interesting, and on another level. For this particular occasion I went for a touch if orange, and loved it! My friends really liked what I wore for our usual mid week lunch, so I couldnt wait to see what you guys think.
Ponekad kombinovanje vise trendova moze da zvuci pretrpano, ali verujte mi, ovo moze da izgleda odlicno. U ovom postu vam pokazujem kako da kombinujete kozu, pruge i print. Pruge su odlican print za kombinovanje sa drugim printovima, jer cine spoj zanimljivijim i outfit dobija drugu dimenziju. Za ovu priliku sam dodala i malo narandzaste boje, jer mi se bas to dopalo! Mojim drugaricama se jako svidelo ovo sto sam obukla za nas uobicajeni rucak sredinom nedelje, tako da nisam mogla da docekam da vidim sta vi mislite.