24 Mar, 2013

Nineteen pieces giveaway


And I am here with another giveaway! This time you will be able to win a gorgeous Talula necklace by Nineteen pieces. You might remember this necklace, as I wore it in THIS post. Its perfect summer necklace, and match pretty much any beach or party outfit. So here are the rules:
-Be a follower on Bloglovin
-Like Nineteen pieces FB page

-Leave the comment saying why would you like to win, and your email address

Tu je jos jedan giveaway! Ovaj put mozete osvojiti predivnu Talula ogrlicu marke Nineteen pieces. Mozda se secate ogrlice iz OVOG posta. Ovo je savrsena ogrlica za letnje dane, koja ide uz sve, od kombinacije za plazu do one za izlazak. Pravila su:
-Pratite Glam and Glitter na Bloglovin-u
-Kliknite like na Nineteen pieces FB stranicu
-Ostavite komentar zasto biste voleli da osvojite ogrlicu + email adresu.


Swarovski giveaway winner is

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