18 Mar, 2013

Birthday Post



A lot of you asked me to write a post about what I did for my Birthday. It was such an amazing day, if you follow me on instagram, you can see that on 15th I had a whole relaxation day, went for a massage and manicure, I got my hair done, went home and watched “Devil Wears Prada” while preparing my favourite food. On the actual day of my Birthday I spent the day in London, which usually includes Laduree and cocktails in Champagne bar in Harvey Nichols. After that, my girls and I plus our other halves went out for a big night out. I felt really like a princess and loved every moment of the day. Thank you everyone for the amazing wishes, and here are some of the photos from the day.

Dobila sam pregrst pitanja vezanih za moj rodjendan. Bio je to jedan predivan dan! Vi koji me pratite na instagramu, mogli ste videti da sam 15.pocela sa opustanjem pred rodjendan, isla sam na masazu i manikir, kod frizera i konacno kuci , gde sam gledala moj omiljeni film “Djavo nosi Pradu” dok sam spremala moju omiljenu veceru. Sam rodjendan sam provela u Londonu, sa najblizima, sto uglavnom podrazumeva posetu Laduree-u i koktele u Champagne baru u Harvey Nicholsu. Posle toga, sam sa drugaricama i nasim momcima otisla da proslavimo u nasem stilu. Osecala sam se kao princeza i uzivala u svakom trenutku ovog dana. Hvala vam svima na prelepim zeljama, dole mozete videti delic mog rodjendana.







