Today was absolutely fabulous. I am writing this and just thinking about going to bed straight away. After waking up and getting ready, Jovana and I headed to Lincoln justify where we had full schedule of shows to watch: Son Jung Wan, Herve Leger by Max Azria, Rafael Cennamo and Venexiana were by far my favourites.I really enjoyed the shows, and must say that there will be a lot of dark colours this fall. Since I love greys and burgundy that much, I dont see a problem. If you follow my instagram you can see al the gorgeous dresses, shapes and forms that I loved. Besides enjoying the great atmosphere at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, having fun with bloggers taking loads of photos and enjoying the city I did an interview with Fashion Tv today. Hope you will get an idea of the spirit here and try to enjoy the Fashion Week trough my experience :)
Jos jedan savrsen dan je iza mene. Dok ovo pisem samo razmisljam o krevetu, jer sam premorena.
Nakon ustajanja spremila sam se i sa Jovanom otisla do Linkoln centra gde nas je cekao raspored pun revija: Son Jung Wan, Herve Leger by Max Azria, Rafael Cennamo and Venexiana su definitivnii favoriti. Zaista sam uzivala u revijama i moram reci da ce jesen biti sva u tamnim bojama, sa mnogo bordo i sivih nijansi. Ukoliko me pratite na instagramu mozete videti i odredjene kreacije, boje i forme koje su mi se jako dopale. Osim uzivanja u atmosferi na Mercedes Benz Fashion Week-u, zabave sa blogerima,slikanju i uzivanju u prelepom gradu, danas sam takodje dala intervju za Fashion Tv. Nadam se da mozete da osetite malo energije odavde i da uzivate u Fashion Week-u kroz moje iskustvo :)
I wore: