Oh, in case you are wondering K is for Kalinic, my second name ;)
Day two of London Fashion Week went very quick. With shows to watch and events to attend time flies. I am happy that weather in London is a lot better than the one in New York, as that allows me more choice. Outfit of the day is one of my favourites. Something colourful, yet simple, and the heels that are comfortable enough for a whole day in them. I was lucky enough to get my make up professionally done by Bourjois, and to try out their new collection, and even got some amazing new Freya underwear. Just a perfect day at LFW.
Drugi dan London Fashion Week-a prosao je veoma brzo. Uz mnogobrojne revije i razne modne dogadjaje vreme leti. Presrecna sam sto je vreme u Londonu mnogo lepse nego u Njujorku, jer mi to omogucava vise izbora oko kombinacija. Ovaj outfit je jedan od mojih omiljenih. Nesto u boji, ali jednostavno i stikle udobne za ceo dan u njima. Sminkao me je Bourjois tim, tako da sam imala priliku da probam njihovu novu liniju, a dobila sam i Freya ves koji je predivan. Sve u svemu savrsen dan uz LFW.
I wore: